

Over the 19th century selective breeding for size, shape and colour led to the Aylesbury...

General Information

Egg Color
White, tinted, or green
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Always white plumage, pink bill, orange feet, & large keel.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Over the 19th century selective breeding for size, shape and colour led to the Aylesbury duck.
It is thought that this duck originated in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. (Hence the name Aylesbury.)
The First World War negatively affected the remaining duck industry in Buckinghamshire, and by the 1950's, there was only one good flock of this breed left.
The Second World War further affected the Breed.
During the late 1900's however, the Aylesbury began to incline the slightest bit because of Queen Victoria's interest in poultry farming. (After she had died.)
This began to split the breed into two main categories.
By the 20th century, the Aylesbury had been split into meat and show bird categories.
The breed still wasn't popular.
Today, the breed has landed itself on endangered species lists, one of which being the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.
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Latest reviews

Pros: Beautiful archetypal duck
Males quiet
Dont seem to eat that much
Love slugs and snails
Get on well with my chickens
Not agressive
Cons: steam rolller everything in their path
very large
love to make a mess
IMG_20170701_195359.jpg These are the beautiful archetypal duck that Jemima puddle duck was based on.

Still trying to figure out sex of mine as they are quiet but have no curled tail feathers. Mine dont eat an awful lot and give hours of amusement. They have turned the run into a mudbath in less than a week, love sifting through the mucky puddles rather than having clean water/ feed and love splashing around in the paddling pool at the end of the day.
Pros: Very clever, funny, full of personality, gorgeous looking, not aggressive, happy
Cons: Poop loads, pretty loud, very big,
I actually posted in a comment by mistake but I love my Aylesbury drake. Absolutely adore him. He has so much personality. I had two brothers but lost one to a fox attack. They are not aggressive, they love to wander around the garden, they shout a lot and dont like being on their own. My boy needs a companion but i have to wait until Spring when its breeding time in the UK. Thats why he shouts when the chickens go to bed and he's on his own in the garden. They are massive ducks. They are pretty tame - follow me round quacking. My garden is becoming a mud bath but i expected that. I didnt realise how big he would get lol that's my fault though because i just asked for "ducks" at the pet shop :) You do need the space for them though they really are big. My drake gets on very well with the chickens he doesnt attack them.
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Pros: they are white , fluffy , good at laying eggs ,seem freindly .... this is my opinion
Cons: they can be noisy , cost money , need to be taken care of :)
seem like a good breed, if i had the room i would probably raise a batch of them they seem like they would be a good 4h starter show bird...considering i dont see many of this breed in my class ... that breed looks like a reserve champion waiting to happen


I love my Aylesbury drake. He had a brother but lost him to a fox but we are going to get a companion for him in Spring when its breeding season in the UK. He's sooo handsome and funny and has such a wonderful personality. He shouts a lot. He's very big and to be honest I didnt realise how big he was going to be when I ordered "ducks" at the pet shop lool. My fault really but i wouldnt give him up for the world he is wonderful. So full of happiness. He does poop TONS big lout farty ones. He's very clever he worked out that he doesnt need to go running for the grapes like the chickens do he just stays put and he gets another handful to himself. That's about it really. :)
I absolutely ADORE my Aylesburys!!!!! Especially my young lad Wills <3 a rather LARGE and loving boy whose feathers are as soft as silk. Then there is his Mum, Aunties and half sister Francis :) Sadly his Dad died not long ago :( Quite big personalities the Aylesbury's, always got something to say and waddling around most of the time, usually up to some sort of mischief. I think mine are classed as 'utility' birds rather than show...... I'll post some pics and maybe y'all could tell me what you think? I am in Australia so I've no idea how different our Aylesbury's would be to yours?
Hello, if anyone in US has hatching eggs for Aylesbury ducks Id love to buy some. Ive been searching for 4 years to find some. Thank you.

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