

Vorwerk is a different breed but very similar to the Lakenvelder; bulkier type, less tail, comb...
Pros: Very alert, hens are protective of flock, good forager, eats a lot less than my other hens, most likely supplementing with foraging. Lays regularly, not the broody type, friendly.
Cons: Can be a little nippy, but that’s it’s nature to be a little more independent. Not necessarily a bad trait by any means.
Other than that ... no more bad things to say.
my Vorwerk is a fantastic bird, I would recommend to anyone fairly quiet and very contented, may take on the boss role more readily, in your flock. Very protective of its flock members.
I just hatched two of these little beauties a few days ago. Out of 7 eggs 4 viable, one fully developed and one underdeveloped. I will definitely add more to my flock
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Pros: Friendly, Adventurous, Beautiful, Intelligent, A Good Layer, Loves Being Around People.
Cons: NONE.
I have a wonderful Vorwerk Hen.
She is one of the sweetest Chickens I've ever kept and she absolutely loves being around us!
Pros: Beautiful, colourful, happy, great layers, look after themselves.
Cons: Seem more wild than the other birds, not very tame, loud cockerel
Love the way these birds act and look!
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Pros: friendly, cute, sweat, adorable, great egg layer (i guess)
Cons: NONE
Firstly I would like to say how humble they are and how friendly they seem to be around humans, what I love about them is that they are very encoisative(sorry for spelling)
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Pros: easy keepers/hard workers/great layers
Cons: spooky never got tame
I got hatching eggs from Blehm hatchery.Every egg hatched.They did very well in winter and worked my compost piles in summer.Unfortunately they are just rite size for hawks and I have those for neighbors.So... lost half to hawks and gradually lost the other half to something else.I miss them.They were just beautiful.Great little layers too.
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My daughter has a pair and just loves them:). The pair she has aren't really highstrung or stand-offish. Most people don't know what they are when they see them but think they are pretty birds:). Ours are bantams.
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