Search results for query: hardware cloth 1/4

  1. S

    1/4” galvanized hardware cloth

    I’ve read other posts, but I’m still unsure. I purchased the wrong gauge of 23 1/4hardware cloth and it wasn’t strong at all! I’m getting ready to make my run and I was thinking of 1/419 gauge, will that be strong or should I use 1/2” hardware cloth instead? The reason I wanted 1/4” was to...
  2. SossFarm

    Hardware mesh/cloth ground barrier

    Getting ready to move the girls and trying to wrap up the building of our run. I have the run built and wrapped in chicken wire. I have intentions of placing 1/4hardware cloth in the ground about 6” to a Foot in width in the ground at the bottom of the run. Then the remainder of the 4’ width...
  3. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    Do I have to use 1/4” mesh hardware cloth to keep mice out? We have 1/2” hardware cloth and still got a mouse in the run. My husband says a mouse can squeeze through 1/2”. Is that even possible?
  4. AinaWGSD

    Looking for thoughts and experiences re: hardware cloth

    We're starting to finalize our run plans. We will be using hardware cloth for thr run fencing. Initially I thought I had read that 1/4" was best but a little more digging and I see that 1/2" is actually preferred for predator proofing. Anyway, we're trying to work out the apron. Husband is...
  5. Eggs_Over_EZ

    Hardware cloth saved the day!

    We have finished wrapping our first coop with chicken wire and have 1/4hardware cloth back to front on the sides. The front will be all hardware with the back being 2x8x10 up until the top 1/4 which will be hardware cloth. We are adding another piece of hardware cloth up on top and a 3rd...
  6. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    Thank for this....I know how the next few days are going to be spent!
  7. RedHillChicken

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    1/2" galvanized hardware all around sides and top. Skirt around the bottom with 1'-1 1/2' flat on the ground to prevent digging. That will assure no predators can get in. I have seen a snake be able to slither through the 1/2" HC, so if there is a danger of snakes put a 1' - 2' run of 1/4"...
  8. H

    Quick question on measuring roof ventilation

    "1/4-inch hardware cloth is not as strong as 1/2-inch. I'd stick with the 1/2"." We used 1/4" for the base, under the floor. I hope it holds. I'll get 1/2" for the rest of the project. Thanks again.
  9. citychicks99

    Should I keep or return hardware cloth?

    I'm trying to keep mice and rats out so I thought 1/4" would be better than 1/2" but as I'm reading around the forum, I'm learning that 1/2" is actually stronger. I did not know that. I already ordered two rolls of hardware cloth and they're on their way. One is 1/4" 36" x 100' 23 gauge, and the...
  10. Ridgerunner

    Attaching hardware cloth

    I'm not sure what you are talking about. Could you post a photo or link? I don't like to guess with something like this. I use a furring strip. I rip them out of a 2x4 so they are 1-1/2" wide and about 3/4" thick. Drill a pilot hole so nothing splits. Use wood screws and put them through...
  11. NatJ

    Where do I begin with a coop?

    When people are recommending hardware cloth: 1/2" holes are small enough to keep out most predators. 1/4" holes are needed if you want to keep mice out. 1/4" hardware cloth is usually made from thinner (weaker) wires than 1/2" hardware cloth. So the 1/2" is often a better choice, because it is...
  12. Ridgerunner

    Attaching hardware cloth skirts

    Sounds like you got the answer you needed but I'll add my method in case somebody else reads your thread. For wire to wire connections I use J-Clips or hog rings close enough together that nothing can squeeze through. Some people weave a length of wire through them or twist them together with...
  13. rosemarythyme

    Hardware cloth question

    Depends on your predator load, predator types, and how much risk you're willing to take. If you have raccoons I would at least cover the bottom 2-3' with hardware cloth (to prevent reachthroughs), even if you opt to go for a different fencing material throughout. Also I'd do 1/2", not 1/4"...
  14. D

    Gaps in coop floor

    Hardware cloth would have to be very thin, maybe 1/4" grid then? Wouldn't the chicken feet get stuck in the hardware cloth as they scratch? Just looking for the cheapest option at this stage. Hardware cloth is cheaper than plywood and would let water go through. Horse mats are heavy and appear...
  15. wrathsfarm

    Looking for run proofing help!

    Put a vertical or horizontal stud where it overlaps and hard staple it or use washers and screws to secure it. I staple mine using 3/4" or 1" fence staples every 4"s. I've seen some others that add a trim board over the seam also and screw that in every 4"s alternating the staples making it...
  16. nuthatched

    Over EZ coop ventilation

    You need lots of permanent ventilation, day, night, winter, summer. Atleast 1 square foot per bird. Cut a 4" strip under the eaves length, cover with hardware cloth. Or cut a large triangle under the roof peak.
  17. chrissynemetz

    Hardware cloth and mice

    Yes, mice can squeeze through 1/2" hardware cloth. It's amazing the tiny little spaces they can fit through. :barnie
  18. Witchychickens

    Attaching hardware cloth skirts

    Thank you! I think that’s why o struggle so much with making this coop. Too many ways to skin a cat in this case. We made huge progress this weekend! He has it weather proof! I ordered the hardware cloth in the widths and lengths, I ordered materials to finish the interior this week and I am...
  19. StinkyAcres

    Quick question on measuring roof ventilation

    You need to make sure the person building the coop leaves the gaps between the rafters open unlike what you would normally do for a house or shed. Multiple the width (W) and the height (H) to get the area of the ventilation openings. I believe mine (shown here) are about 6 inches (0.5 feet)...
  20. perkolator

    Weld mesh advice .. tacker, staples..

    What kind of welded wire? Are we talking about hardware cloth or something like larger gauge welded fencing? And what climate is this in? I used 1/4" wide 18ga pneumatic staples on my hardware cloth, because I get no real weather and everything has an overhang to keep moisture off it, so no...
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