Search results for query: hot weather coops

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  1. E

    Aussie coop. Medium-large. Mobile, hot and wet weather.

    This coop is made almost entirely from pine fence pailings and 70x35 pine framing. Exceptions being the areas of hardware cloth and the roof. This was an effort to keep costs down and to keep durability and rustic look up. It's a raised coop to provide certain features. Such as; mobility...
  2. Melko

    Hot weather Coop design - Is this enough ventilation?

    Hi, newcomer to the forums. Read a lot but never posted! Preface: I live in a very hot climate, it's winter now and it's ~25C. Midday summer (especially July-August) it easily goes up to 45C. I intend to keep 10 chickens in this coop, and will build an attached run for it after I finish setting...
  3. Annalyse

    80 degree coop in hot weather !!!!

    It was very hot today. putting them to bed and there all mouth opened and wings out. I shouldn't say all more like some. We have an added-on part we call the penthouse and there's a roost in there but they all seem to stay on the same one cramped. we're taking it out soon so they have no choice...
  4. N

    Temperatures are rising!! How do you keep your chickens cool in the coop, run, and or brooders?!?!

    It hit 98 degrees yesterday and today it will be even hotter. It's only May!!! We have set up misters, we have fans, we have tarps running all across the runs for shade, I give frozen fruit and vegetables, and I make sure they have cool fresh water (often with ice added) several times a day...
  5. DanaH

    Transitioning to coop in hot weather

    I want to move my 4 week old chicks into their coop since the weather is so wRm and they are getting really big for their box! They are currently in my garage and it is about 85 degrees in there on a warm day but the coop temp is even hotter. Today it was 91. I’m told that it’s a good idea to...
  6. tacothechicken

    Hot weather coops for 6-8 birds?

    Any of you in hot weather areas like TX, AZ etc willing to share coop pics/plans? Just got 6 silkies and we're gonna need something 7x4 at largest. Preferably raised for flood season, with good ventilation and airflow for humid 98°F summers.
  7. Badgermole

    A cool retreat for hot chicks

    Hello everybody, I've wanted to make a new coop for my chooks for a while. I've recently discovered sketchup and had some fun playing around with making a little house for them, partly based on ones I've read about on here, but I'd like some input from people who've been there, done that, and...
  8. swamphiker

    How to coop train chicks during hot weather

    I have just transitioned my 5-week-old chicks to be outside 24/7. My next step is to train them to return to the coop at night; I've been going in and moving them up to their coop by hand. I know that most folks coop train by locking chickens in the coop for at least several days, but it is...
  9. Rooapalooza

    Designing a coop for hot humid weather

    I live in Texas where we hardly ever get cold enough to require supplemental heat for adult chickens (very few days that are below freezing, a few nights hovering in the 20s and 30s, and almost never below 20F). However in the summer (march-october, lol), it is regularly over a 100F with very...
  10. johnnyInterested

    Does it matter if the coop is resin if I predator proof it, weather protect it (hot and cold), and provide good ventilation?

    Hi, Am I correct that all things being equal like good from predators (good predator apron, etc.), the cold, heat, and so on, it doesn't matter what the shed it, as long as it isn't some poisonous substance? I have read here for a while, but I have a resin shed I can repurpose. I am thinking...
  11. ssramage

    Hot weather coop feedback

    Looking at possibly purchasing this coop for a hot weather environment (only have a couple months per year where the temp drops to 30s at night). What do you think? I can get this for about the price of a TSC prefab coop. I've been putting off building one for so long due to time and my son is...
  12. bida

    Cooling the coop during hot weather

    I was thinking of putting a cooling air evaporator in the coop or at the door of the coop. I have a well-protected coop run that is predator proof so I could leave one of the doors open of the coop(Double doors, coop is 4X6)I think it should set out in the coop run facing the door so the pine...
  13. ASD Dad

    Help a new chicken owner - need coop for hot and cold weather!

    Hello all - new chicken owner here! We currently have 6 chicks but may be getting 2-3 more from a friend who has too many chicks right now (she had to buy a certain amount to get the breed she really wanted). Chicks are 2 Cochin and 4 Laced Wyandotte if it makes a difference. The 2-3 more we...
  14. QuicheandCo

    My "hot weather" chicken coop

    Just wanted to share my coop!
  15. Walkbarefoot

    Moving chickens from garage to a new (and hot) coop

    Hello, We are having quite a stretch of 90+ degree weather here in Colorado. I have just completed the finishing touches on our coop and am ready to introduce the chickens to it. I have 10 (9 week old) chicks. I have a 5x6 coop with 2 windows 7 vents 1 screen door... I am under the impression...
  16. flocking nuts

    Suggestions for building a coop in hot weather with rain. (south Florida or another tropical climate

    Hi everyone. I'm new to chickening and building our first coop. It will be 8'x 5' with a roof sloping from 7' up front to 6 at the rear. I'm trying to figure out how to keep it well ventilated,but not drafty. I'm also trying to contend with keeping this well ventilated coop dry inside. We plan...
  17. henless

    Hot weather barn coop

    About a 1 1/2 yrs ago DH & I started reworking our barn into an open air coop. It took a while to complete it, but I loved it once it was finished. I had saved some stalls for future horses, but I've since come to the conclusion that due to my RA, it is very doubtful that I will be able to have...
  18. yellowswirl

    Hot weather coop flooring material?

    We live in North Florida, very hot and very humid in the summer. We're leaning towards native dirt in the run and pine shavings in the coop. I've read a lot on here that people use sand in the coop. But, I really like the idea of the deep litter method with pine shavings in the coop so we can...
  19. SoORchick73

    Hot weather, broody hens, how long is an egg good to sit in the coop?

    We are in the 90s here, I have 3 broody hens sitting...and other hens that occasionally raid their clutch and lay an egg. And of course the other hens laying in the near boxes normally. We will be 108 by the weekend. I try to get the eggs twice a day when I'm home. The eggs that were laid the...
  20. nikchic

    Will my chickens be ok with 33 degree weather. Their coop is HOT too.

    I was worried about the cold winter and now I am worried about the HOT summer already. It's been 30-33 degrees here in BC and I just would like to know what measures I can do to keep my chickens cooler. Also, any tips for the coop would be greatly appreciated. Much thanks to all of you that...
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