Search results for query: show Nest boxes

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  1. Vintage_is_eco

    Curtains on a metal nesting box - show me your photos!

    We’re in the process of adding new, metal nesting boxes with front access to the eggs as the roll forward. I’d like to hang some curtains up for the girls bc they always prefer to be in privacy when laying (i would want that too!). The trouble is… I’m having the hardest time figuring out how to...
  2. maryn7

    Pullet at POL, will hen show her the ropes?

    I've got two birds - a BR hen that will be two in April and a Light Brahma pullet. The Light Brahma's face has been reddening and she just started squatting in the last week. She's about 6-7 months, so right on schedule. When our original two girls got to POL in 2020, we did *way* too much...
  3. OurSufficientLife

    Show me your nest boxes! + some questions

    We need to get nest boxes in order for our coop in the next month or so. We are thinking since it gets pretty cold here in the winter (some nights below zero), we might want to avoid metal ones. Those of you in colder climates, is that even an issue? Does anyone use the roll away type? What...
  4. KikiDeAnime

    Show me your nesting boxes!

    Since we won't be moving our duck flock to their own yard for a while, I wanted to build a nesting box for them to use in the current flock coop until then. One of them has been crawling into one of our chicken nesting boxes but sadly our chickens keep kicking her out. There's a spot in one of...
  5. W

    Show pics of your peahen nesting boxes

    Next spring my peas should start laying. What do nesting boxes look like? Are they on the ground or elevated? What are the dimensions? Does each hen need their own box or will they community clutch like guinea fowl?
  6. LaurelC

    Show me your unattached nest boxes!

    Modifying a duck pen to make an open-air type coop. Since the hens won't be locked up tightly at night, I don't need nest boxes in their coop. I currently have an old doghouse with a hinged roof that I'm putting a couple of plastic bins inside, but would like to build a nesting box that can be...
  7. Tracyree

    Built external nest box, showing off. ;)

    I've had my coop for years now but the inside has always been cramped. It's 4x8 interior. Finally took the time to build outboard nest boxes as The two internal ones weren't enough and always in the way. Just wanted to share as I built them myself.
  8. FuzzyButtz

    Show me your Nest Boxes!

    Well after a very, very unfortunate mishap, we will be building proper nesting boxes. I'd love to see photo's of your nest boxes for ideas!! :)
  9. BlossomSilkies

    Community Nest Boxes : Show me yours and tell me if it works

    I am curious about "community nest boxes". I do know from experience that when we had 4 nest boxes, out of about 25 hens, they used 1 or 2. Now we are going to have a lot of chickens, a goal of 100 hens. I'm wondering if it would be more practical to build a few "community nest boxes" rather...
  10. FenDruadin

    Show Me Your Nest Boxes!

    How to play: Post pics of your nest boxes All nest boxes welcome! Traditional, unusual, make-shift, upcycled, recycled, chosen-by-the-chickens, whatever you got! Post instructions if you have any (totally optional) I'm getting new hens in Spring and looking for winter projects. Plenty of...
  11. Ravie

    Show Me Your Nest Boxes! + Other Questions

    Hi everyone, I am currently contemplating a live-duckling (as opposed to dead duckling) purchase from Holderread's. I am slowly moving away from chickens and into ducks. I have chosen WH, I have one and LOVE her. Currently, I don't have nest boxes. My birds all lay in the bushes and other...
  12. Georgia Nana

    showing pullets the nest boxes?

    I have 4 Cuckoo Maran pullets who should begin laying any time. I also have 3 laying hens who all use ONE of our 6 nest boxes. The pullets have never shown an interest in visiting the nest boxes (elevated 2 ft, with ladders). Will they find them on their own, or will they begin laying on the...

    Show me your Nesting Box plans? Any out there?

    I have turned a portion of my barn/ shed side into a chicken coop. I am ready to add some nesting boxes to the left side that I can access from the outside of the coop. I am looking for some plans or dimensions, ect? Thought I woulc hceck here first. I would like to do 3 to 6 boxes along the...
  14. gale65

    Great website showing how to build external nest boxes

    I'm sure someone has posted this but maybe someone will find it helpful anyway. We aren't making ours external (because of cold weather) but I found this while doing searches and thought it looked pretty good. It looks like...
  15. WoofMeowCluck

    Poop Boards above nesting boxes, show them? Please.

    I'm redoing the coop and would like to change the ladder style roost to a roost w/ poop board over the nesting boxes to make for more floor space in the coop and easier clean up. I can't seem to get a good idea for what it should look like, measurements for how wide the poop board should be...
  16. jacktheknife

    New Nest Boxes in the 'World Famous Show Coop'

    Fellow Poultry enthusiasts, A good friend built these boxes built and delivered them free! {and his wife Jill even made him paint them.} Thank you... Tschüß...
  17. aggieterpkatie

    Show me your nest boxes!

    We built a coop a while back, but never added the nest boxes because our chickens weren't yet laying. Well, we need to get them built now and we'd like to build ones that are framed outside the coop, so we don't take up any floor space. Does anyone have any like that? Show me! I'd love to...
  18. JStark

    Show me your nest boxes!

    I've been convinced to put in nest boxes for my ducks. Now, I want to see how others have incorporated them into their coops/tractors/other... I'll be building a duck tractor for my three Welsh Harlequins, if that helps with ideas or pics. Thanks in advance!
  19. whatthecluck

    Can you show me nesting box pics?

    We just "reopened" our 200 year old coupe that seems to have last been in use 1942 judging by the newspaper shreds in the nesting boxes. The 7 boxes have hinged doors on top (I need to replace the hardware actually they arent super strong hinges anymore). I have now cleaned them all out and put...
  20. mom2chicksandpups

    Please show me your unique nesting boxes (or tell me about them)

    My husband and I were talking about unique things that we could use for nesting boxes to save money. I have heard some really unique and creative ideas in the past, so I thought I would ask you guys to share your ideas with us.
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