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  1. mhaddon

    Day old and marking after sexing...

    I'm not sure we won't have to sell some before I'm able to tell again. I seem to be horrible at the in between stages telling the difference.
  2. mhaddon

    NYD CONTEST 9 Egg Art Contest

    Ok I have to ask, do you empty the insides or put them in something to make them hard? Any links would be great, this would be fun for the kids to do as an art project :)
  3. mhaddon

    NYD CONTEST 9 Egg Art Contest

    These are amazing!
  4. mhaddon

    Day old and marking after sexing...

    Ok so I haven't had any trouble sexing my birds, I can't do two different brooders so how do I mark them to tell the difference as they grow bigger? Thanks!
  5. mhaddon

    Turkens from McMurray???

    We love our McMurray Turkens. Hands down the most friendly, best layer, and best roo we have! We are at a 89% hatch rate out of our rooster in a hova bater so I'd say he's done well, lol. We hatched both of them out of eggs ourselves this past spring and they have grown the best. Mine are red...
  6. mhaddon

    Success rates and questions

    ...are a pickier breed with less success rates? I'm assuming conditions were great because the others have hatched and look great, not a problem yet *knock on wood*. I'm wondering if I can get some tips for in the future and how long I should hold out on these eggs. I candled at day 18 and saw...
  7. mhaddon

    December incubating

    up to 16 and a few more pipped. No showgirls pipped yet and I candled all them and they were moving on day 18 :(
  8. mhaddon

    December incubating

    so far we have 10 hatched and four more pips!! It's been 24 hours for the first, do I crack open and move them to the brooder real fast and add water or just let it be?
  9. mhaddon

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    One is out and now only 2 that have pipped. Seems like so few to pip out of one hatched already! I candled on day 16 and all my showgirls were moving and no pips on any of them yet. The wait is Killing me!
  10. mhaddon

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Yay! One was pipped just an hour ago and now it's all the way out and moving :yay: One more pipped. FX for the silkies to hatch. This appears to be one of the light brahmas?
  11. mhaddon

    December incubating

    I had a few last hatch that took over a day to hatch after pipping. It's hard to be patient! I just heard a peep from one of the eggs!! No pips yet that I can see... Tonight is the start of day 21.
  12. mhaddon

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    So cute! We have a lot of snow and roads are closed. I have everything but chick feed. Eek! How long can they go after hatching without food? I haven't seen any pips yet, but they were set at night so today is day 19 still.
  13. mhaddon

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Mine had cauliflower, celery, kale, pears, a few apples, and some carrots. Oh and left over bread.
  14. mhaddon

    December incubating

    I have the showgirls with one or two frizzles. FX the frizzles make it!! I also have naked necks, easter eggs, buff orphingtons, and Light Brahmas. I have a roo for all but the Buff's so I'm not sure what they will look like! Any way to figure out crosses? Lol. This was just an expirement to...
  15. mhaddon

    Are you chickens pets? Tell me why or why not!

    Most of our chickens have become pets. I have four kids ages 7 under and my oldest two boys have tamed a few of the chickens. My oldest has a hen that follows him everywhere outside and will not leave his side!
  16. mhaddon

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Today is day 17 for me. Tomorrow night we go into lockdown. So excited for a better hatch this time. Candled for the first time last night and only 2 of my 8 show girls were unfertalized. Removed them and could see movement in all the rest. My 2 year old did some rearranging on day 6 so I was...
  17. mhaddon

    December incubating

    I just put 30 eggs in tonight. Showgirls and crosses from our chickens. Excited to see what we get this time!
  18. mhaddon

    My chick pipped the wrong end of the egg

    Awww! I wonder why it is taboo? Do you think a mother hen in nature would help them out or do they just let them die? Very curious as I've never looked into it myself :)
  19. mhaddon

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Well I have a dozen collected to hatch from yesterday and this morning... hoping 20 by tonight. I have a friend with another 20 for sale I may run down the road to pick up. I'm cleaning up the incubator today again just to make sure and getting in plugged in.
  20. mhaddon

    Please Respond - Chickens not laying yet

    Mine started laying very late this year because of the stress of our past summer heat slowing down growth. I was getting upset and finally switched feeds and moved to a bigger coop. We have a light so they get more light each day and I'm finally close to a dozen a day out of around 24 hens. I...
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