Search results for query: How to help an egg bound duck

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  1. A

    Egg Bound?

    Help! How do you know if your duck is egg bound? Do ducks stop laying in the winter? Our pekin hasn’t laid an egg all week, but it has been super cold so we thought maybe she slowed down or stopped. But today she is just sitting in one spot in the kennel. Not really moving around. I’m at work...
  2. Miss Lydia

    Soft egg binding

    Vets are so expensive. I would just keep giving her the cal glu morning and evening and hope if there is an egg she lays it.@Solar duck have you read through here for what all other members have done to help their duck...
  3. M

    Duck walking Lame

    A week ago one of our 6 ducks could barely walk back to the coop at the end of the day. We brought here into the bath and set up a kennel to keep her close. She ate and drank normally. We thought she was egg bound. 3 days later she was able to start standing and then we thought she just injured...
  4. Miss Lydia

    Runner duck egg question

    We use it mainly to treat if one of our girls is having a hard time laying an egg it helps with contractions to get the egg moving. It can be used to help with laying soft shells also. But the main reason is to help get the egg moving and laid. I have only given it by mouth to one that needs the...
  5. Miss Lydia


    If you ever think your duck is egg-bound you need to have Calcium gluconate on hand TSC carries it and it is one of the best things to use when egg-bound. 1 ml to start with. I don't see a bumble on her foot. I would also get Liquid B Complex and start her on it ASAP. It may be a niacin issue...
  6. fulla03

    This just came out of a duck - what is it?

    Any ideas what this is? Another duck owner sent this to me. She has three Welsh Harlequin females in a urban setting. They have a fenced in back yard, the ducks forage in the back yard daily and are fed a diet based on the recommendations of Tyrant Farms. I found they were getting a lot of...
  7. A

    Egg Bound?

    Just found a vet 30 min from me that takes ducks. We are taking her tomorrow afternoon. Earliest possible. I will let you know what we find out. Thank you for your advice. We do have the calcium gluconate. And we are giving it to her. We thought we can only give it to her 1X a day. We will give...
  8. Jenbirdee

    Duck not eating, appears weak and "tired"

    I’ve been thinking about your duck while I was doing my morning duck chores, and wondering if you should go ahead and give her some calcium gluconate liquid 1ml orally just in case she’s egg bound since she’s seven months and laid no eggs yet it won’t hurt to give her the calcium even if she’s...
  9. D

    Duck not walking all the sudden?

    So this morning all my 9 khaki campbells seemed to be fine but next time I saw them about 3 hours later one of them can hardly walk. She doesn't seem to be egg bound as far as I can tell. She seems to be keeping her legs kicked back and can't put them flat really. What should I do or check...
  10. D


    Hello, fellow duck keepers; my sweet Tilly, a year-and-a-half-old Saxony hen, has been sick for a while. I've been to two vets for 3 visits, and they cannot reach the root cause. She has lost weight, she went through two molts in the fall and her feathers did not grow back fully, she's pale and...
  11. Bella the Chicken Lover

    raccoon attack on my buff duck-feathers ripped off and punture wound on neck

    :hugsSorry for you're ducky You're doing everything I would do, maybe put some Neosporin on the wound.. I think she'll be fine. I honestly don't know how to take care of the egg bound problem, I'm sorry.
  12. JulieHei

    Duck emergency! Need help fast!

    Duck suddenly vomited up three slugs and had runny white poop. She laid down with her feet behind and tried to press a lot! She did press so much that her intestins almost came out, but they didn’t. I put her in a big tub of water and now she seems a bit better. But her feet are straight behind...
  13. D


    Hi guys, I have an egg bound duck. She is currently in warm water as we speak pushing. She finally passed 1 oblong shaped egg about 20 mins ago but is having a hard time getting the rest out. I say "rest" because I can feel that there are at least 2 more eggs needing to come out. I've read that...
  14. Miss Lydia

    Please help mee

    She's a Muscovy. Yes being egg-bound is very serious so if you can get the calcium gluconate asap that would be good. In the meantime if you have any other type of calcium? I lost a Muscovy from being egg-bound about 11 yrs ago being a new duck owner I didn't know how to help her, now I keep...
  15. Cheems

    Dogs got into my duck pen

    Hey, they are still alive and I’m planning on giving them a bath because I’m worried one may be egg bound, they seem to be drinking and reacting to me, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign, and it was just this one pen that had a weak point, I put up a lot of plywood for now for another pen although...
  16. SammyMartka

    Please help! My Duck struggling to walk.

    She has not layed again since we took her inside which was 2 weeks ago i think. I just felt around her abdomen area. Not exactly sure on how it is supposed to feel. I feel a ball like thing but not sure if its actually a egg or if its just bone/ organs
  17. Jenbirdee

    raccoon attack on my buff duck-feathers ripped off and punture wound on neck

    go ahead and give her 1 ml calcium gluconate per day for a few days that will help push an egg out if she is eggbound and even if she’s not, the extra calcium will not hurt her liquid calcium gluconate is sold online like Amazon I get durvet brand from tractor supply. that works the best . it...
  18. Miss Lydia

    Sick goose

    Do you have any Calcium Gluconate? it is the best there is to get an egg moiving. TSC has it. If egg bound they don't last long. so getting her the calcium gluconate asap. When did she lay last? How old is she...
  19. K

    Egg bound, vent gleet, motility problem story

    I’m sharing my story in hopes that it will help someone else if they have something similar happen. I don’t know the ending yet, but I have some things that I’ve learned along the way that I wish I’d known early on. Our Khaki Campbell, Goldie started having trouble a little over a month ago...
  20. McCluckster

    Duck not eating, appears weak and "tired"

    Thank you for responding with so much detail! I bathed her last night in warm water and Epsom salt - she did get more lively and more energetic after that. She also began to eat a little bit more. Some information I forgot to mention is that shes been pooping noticeably less, so that's why I'm...
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