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  1. jentralala

    Bumble foot in Guineas

    It could just be dirt/poo, but I would catch them and scrub their feet (a bucket of water, a scrubby brush, and a helper would be ideal) to see what you're dealing with. I've never heard of a guinea with bumblefoot though! It'd be daunting for sure to work on them
  2. jentralala

    Buff orpingtons aggressive to my dogs

    ...maybe their hormones kinda get going and they jostle for higher ranking? Not sure, and I don't really see other people mention their hens doing it. *scratches head* My hens pick on my 13lb Maltese, too. And my neighbors 35lb Cockerpoo. I'm pretty sure they would try and beat up my sisters...
  3. jentralala

    Why arent my chickens laying?

    If another one dies, you could send the body off for a necropsy, maybe they can figure out what's up. I know there's some threads floating around with how-tos. I think they usually run around $125 ish.
  4. jentralala

    Chronic Limping Hen

    One of my hens, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, has had a limp for months. I'm not even sure I'd call it a limp, it's like her legs don't bend properly? Sometimes I can hardly tell, but if she's been running around a lot (usually after I try to catch her for something) then it's more pronounced. She...
  5. jentralala

    turkey (hen) picking fight with dog

    My chicken hens will peck my Maltese (they like to target his little black nose), and fluff their feathers at him if he annoys them. He usually tries to avoid them, but there is one hen he plays with. If he's running around playing, she'll chase him around the yard flapping her wings at him. If...
  6. jentralala

    coop walls - solid or wire

    I went halfsies. Living in Florida, my main concern was a buildup of heat and humidity. So for my 8x8 coop the back wall is solid, and 4 foot of the walls on the side are solid. The other 4 foot is hardwire mesh (absolutely necessary to use). The front wall is solid, but has very large 'windows'...
  7. jentralala

    What is the strangest thing your chickens ate? Mine just ate crawfish Monica and aligator tail

    One ate a small snake (and I've caught them hunting down a full grown black racer but it was too fast for the girls) and the other day they got some crab rangoons and went crazy for 'em ;p When we clean out the fridge every few weeks they get all the left overs (nothing that's gone bad) and...
  8. jentralala

    Tractor Supply Company Farm Swap Meet, Dunnellon, FL, 2nd Saturday Monthly

    Thank you!!! I will give them a call in the morning and see what they have in stock. Will the farm swap be on the 29th? I know it's right after holidays so I'm not sure...
  9. jentralala

    Tractor Supply Company Farm Swap Meet, Dunnellon, FL, 2nd Saturday Monthly

    Yeah, I brooded my first chicks this spring, but I had such issues with the heat I thought it might be nicer to do it in the colder weather.
  10. jentralala

    Tractor Supply Company Farm Swap Meet, Dunnellon, FL, 2nd Saturday Monthly

    Is anyone going to be bringing chicks to the next swap?
  11. jentralala

    Rat in my chicken run :( Anyone use peppermint or spearmint oil as rat repellent?

    x2 kitty if you can! Our cat has demolished the rat population, and the snake population. She's awesome at her job, and has 0 interest in the chickens. Just get one that is spayed/neutered to keep from contributing to the extreme over population :) You could also make some of those diy bucket...
  12. jentralala

    Do I have an egg thief or are the chickens being clumsy?

    It sounds like your hens are eating their own eggs to me. It's a tough habit to break.
  13. jentralala

    Chicken staggering, legs blue after foraging in yard last night for first time

    Bruising, maybe? Did she jump from anywhere up high? Sorry that's the only idea I have :(
  14. jentralala


    What's it look like on the inside?
  15. jentralala

    What to plant in the run

    Pumpkins, cucumbers, rose bushes, beans, juniper, mulberry, berry long as you protect the base, most things should do well. I would make sure to offer them lost of other nice leafy things, and maybe put in a grazing frame where you grow some yummies for them, to keep them distracted...
  16. jentralala

    Why specifically straw in the nesting box? (The Gals don't like it!!!)

    My first egg was layed on the floor, i think she was just uncertain and confused by it, haha. After that all her eggs were in the box (I use shavings, but thinking of adding hay to give it more volume. The shavings seem to just go flat.), and I think she's 'showing' the others where to lay, as...
  17. jentralala

    What is killing my chickens?????

    Sounds like a coon. They reach their arms/hands through gaps in the wire to grab the chickens and kill them. What kind of wire is on your coop? Can you post a pic of it? We can then give suggestions on how to modify it to make it coon proof.
  18. jentralala

    How Can You Tell If an egg is fertile by the outside?

    A fertile egg is almost no different than an unfertilized egg. There isn't a fully developed chick in just has the potential to be a chick. Many people eat fertilized eggs, it's really no different. As long as you collect daily, there wouldn't be an issue. Give her a month or so and...
  19. jentralala

    Signs of egg laying

    x2 on squatting.That was my biggest hint, the first one to squat has started laying before the one with the reddest comb/waddles. And they really start to find their voices when they're getting close!
  20. jentralala

    My "Juicing" Leftovers

    I personally wouldn't give them any citrus pulp, but I can't think of anything else that would be bad.
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