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  1. lavenderforluck

    Sick Chickens - Flock illness?

    We use clean pine shavings and regularly use DE and First Saturday Lime as a coop barrier but we’re going to investigate if it is mites. It seems possible it might not be mites, we’re diligent about coop cleaning and using DE and checking our birds general health though I’m not ruling it out...
  2. lavenderforluck

    Sick Chickens - Flock illness?

    Thanks for the suggestions! We just thoroughly cleaned the coop, and do regularly but I’m going to check the birds and the old shavings for signs of mites. Do you treat with Ivermectin or dust them in DE? It seems odd that they’ve all fallen ill so quickly without other signs - do mites affect...
  3. lavenderforluck

    Sick Chickens - Flock illness?

    Hi all! Thanks in advance for any replies. We have a backyard flock of 15 hens with some odd illness that seems to impacting them. A few details, they’re mixed breed flock approximately 4ish years old. Free range in fenced area, access to fresh water and feed, clean coop. We live in Virginia...
  4. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Oh I’m so glad one of your girls made it back! Still just so sorry I know it’s so hard to lose them.
  5. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Oh no I’m so so sorry! Do you have foxes where you are? Or coyotes? Based on all the research we’ve done after our recent predator issue, it seems unlikely that any hawk could carry off a full grown hen - and definitely not 6. Could they be hiding anywhere? Again, I’m so sorry! We were...
  6. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Looks like we’re not allowed to relocate foxes in Virginia because they get disoriented and don’t do well being moved. There is a state law stating we can kill a fox that harms domestic stock or fowl but we won’t be doing that.
  7. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    That’s a great question I hadn’t thought about. I’m going to look it up. We have humane traps available. Would there be a concern about taking a mother fox away from her den? Do you know how far it needs to be relocated?
  8. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Well we have an update. Unfortunately we never located our poor rooster but a red fox came over our fence through our lawn today. So we’re now sure there was an aerial attack by still unidentified bird of prey. Rooster fought off bird but the commotion was heard by a fox and it took him over...
  9. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    We put up trail cameras to see if anything lingers about. So far no hawk, other raptor or fox sightings interestingly. Our girls are being kept in their coop and run unless there’s heavy supervision by ourselves and dog while gardening. They’re not happy about it but it’s been than being...
  10. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    It’s definitely not from any of our chickens - but it’s interesting we haven’t been able to identify the feathers either! The injury to our BCM hen who was attacked first seems very much like from a hawk or other raptor. There was a pile of her feathers and then this other pile of feathers shown...
  11. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Our current theory is exactly this - something heard the attack (likely a fox) and unfortunately killed and took him post-attack.
  12. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    I can’t find a perfect feather ID match but I agree a broad-winged hawk makes sense or possibly a Cooper’s hawk? I appreciate your detailed response! The mystery continues as to what happened to our poor guy.
  13. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    This is interesting! I really appreciate your reply! We’ve searched high and low intensively and the attack was Sunday so our hopes aren’t high for finding him, but we are still actively looking and have posted in our neighborhood in case anyone would see him or his remains. The hawk made...
  14. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Additional photos of the feathers we collected from what we believe is a hawk.
  15. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    We have multiple types of hawks, owls and bald eagles (but they're more rare). We've never seen an owl but they're in this region. The feather in the image was collected from a large scattered pile of simliar feathers - we are certain they're from the attack. It was very clear based on the...
  16. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Thank you so much for your response - I really appreciate it! Here is a picture of one of the feathers we found - appears to be from some type of raptor and not from our chickens - any thoughts? The hen's injury is very much indicative of a from-above bird attack. You are very right that...
  17. lavenderforluck

    Hawk Attack - Debrief/Discussion/Help

    Unfortunately after 4 years we had our first hawk attack. Thankfully only one hen has a minor injury and missing feathers (its been tended to and we think she will make a full recovery), but our very loved rooster is missing. We didn't witness the attack and unfortunately didn't capture it on...
  18. lavenderforluck

    Lash egg?

    Thank you! We have a few sterile ones from the vet that we can use luckily, but that is so great to know about Walmart if we run out. I'm a little worried about getting it administered, she isn't going to be happy about it, but she is sweet and will hopefully forget about it after the 5 days...
  19. lavenderforluck

    Lash egg?

    Thank you! We will start that ASAP and hope this stops any infection that is occurring.
  20. lavenderforluck

    Lash egg?

    I really appreciate your reply, thank you! She hasn't been laying much recently, we did have a normal looking egg from her about a week ago - but it is cold and gets dark early so we attributed it to that. Is that dosage for the Baytril 10% we ordered ? It should arrive in the next day or two...
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