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  1. AnimalLover99

    Chick can't poop?

    I've decided I'm going to cull it, I can't stand to see it suffering. Unless anyone has any last minute miracle cures?
  2. AnimalLover99

    Chick can't poop?

    I tried giving him some yoghurt and scrambled egg, he seems to weak to eat. He just closes his eyes when I hold him and he can't stand up anymore. I'm thinking of just putting him out of his misery, I don't know what else to do for it.
  3. AnimalLover99

    Chick can't poop?

    I got it to drink some coconut oil and I put some on its vent. It didn't poop so I squeezed again and all that came out was oil, so it seems he's not eating at all anymore. I'm going to try and give him scrambled egg now, but he doesn't look good.
  4. AnimalLover99

    Chick can't poop?

    I received an order of 13 chicks from ideal poultry yesterday and one of them arrived with spraddle leg. I made a sort of hobble out of a sponge with 2 holes, it can stand up and sort of hop around, so idk if the spraddle leg will be fixed or not. But now it seems like the bigger problem is this...
  5. AnimalLover99

    Corvallis Oregon Horse regulations

    Im home searching and trying to figure out how much acreage I need to own 2 horses. Im looking at homes in both Albany and corvallis, and I didn't see anything about regulations for horses in corvallis. Anyone know the space regulations or any other helpful info? Thanks
  6. AnimalLover99

    Russian Orloffs

    I am noticing some differences however, between the Easter egger and the supposed Russian orloffs. The Easter egger is darker and its wing feathers are different. Ee wings Ro wings Plus, I forgot that ee's have dark legs, and the ros don't so I'm thinking that they are Russian orloffs...
  7. AnimalLover99

    Can chicks eat pumpkin guts?

    Thanks for the advice:) I put a little in there and they wouldnt even go near it I guess ill look tomorrow and see if they ate it... but it will probably still be there lol
  8. AnimalLover99

    Russian Orloffs

    When do you think id know for sure?
  9. AnimalLover99

    Can chicks eat pumpkin guts?

    I have 21 3 day old chicks and I just carved a pumpkin, so I have a bunch of pumpkin insides. They are eating chick grit, so can I feed them a small amount of the pumpkin? And if I can do I have to cut it up?
  10. AnimalLover99

    Russian Orloffs

    I ordered two Russian orloffs from ideal poultry but they look very similar to my Ameraucana. Are these even Russian orloffs? [/IMG]
  11. AnimalLover99

    What color are these polish chicks?

    Thank you:) I thought buff as well but someone in another thread said its not buff so idk I guess I'll just wait and see!
  12. AnimalLover99

    What color are these polish chicks?

    ...2 are a golden and white crested black, but would still like a second opinion This is the one I don't know. I saw one very similar on another thread that said it was either white or splash, but the hatchery I got it from does not sell either of those colors. *i got them from ideal poultry...
  13. AnimalLover99

    How many square inches of fodder per chicken?

    I was thinking about using hard red winter wheat, and for the thickness I was planning on about 1/2 inch deep, I don't know how many cups per sq feet that is. I want to do it mostly to cut feed costs, but also for their health. I guess ill just have to experiment, thank you for your input. And...
  14. AnimalLover99

    How many square inches of fodder per chicken?

    I know this has already been asked but I haven't seen many answers, and the two I saw were very different. One said 1 sq in per chicken a day, another said 4? Does anyone else have any input? I am going to have about 20-25 chickens and was thinking about feeding half of a 10"x10" container a...
  15. AnimalLover99

    Growing fodder for chickens

    This is probably already answered but I didn't have time to go through the whole thread, how much fodder per chicken per day? Im going to have about 20 chickens and I wanted to sprout fodder, so how many pounds would I give them a day? also is there anything else I would need to give them...
  16. AnimalLover99

    Attention poop board users!

    Im trying to plan my coop and I would like to use poop boards under the roosts, but it can only go out 3 ft without blocking the door. Is that enough for two 2x4 roosts side by side? I figured the first one would be 8 in from the wall, then 4 in for the bar, the next one 14 in away, then 4 in...
  17. AnimalLover99

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    Silver spangled hamburg?
  18. AnimalLover99

    Mareks? Cyst? something else? help!

    it doesnt look like mareks, correct? Im getting 15 new chicks in a month and don't want it to spread to them if it is marek's. they will be vaccinated but still... and thanks for your response.
  19. AnimalLover99

    Mareks? Cyst? something else? help!

    But what about the tumor looking thing?
  20. AnimalLover99

    Mareks? Cyst? something else? help!

    So I noticed about a month ago that my easter egger was losing feathers in a ring around her neck and thought it was lice or feather picking. About a week or 2 ago I noticed a bump developing under her beak on a neck. It jiggles when she walks. other than that she and my other 3 chickens seem...
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