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  1. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    With this 10 day forecast I can't water much. I've replanted quite a few beans and summer peas where the water stood after the 6" monsoon. I hate to water shallow too as it is not good on the root systems either.
  2. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    I've been watching a flock of grow out birds wander over into the garden. They don't touch a thing in the beans or summer peas but the do like to make dust bathes in the shade of the tomatoes. No damage to anything yet. Hope they are eating bugs while they roam around in there. I'm still not...
  3. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    I wish we had a decent auction near us for the 40 or more delinquent roosters here always under foot. Some are almost big enough for freezer camp. One is crowing.
  4. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Our forecast that looked like some rain our way Tuesday has found somewhere else to go. I'll start watering my sweet potatoes eggplant, peppers, and sweet corn Saturday night. Blackberries and blueberries early Sunday morning. Then unless it is an 95% or better chance for Wednesday the other...
  5. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Long range weather has us down for a slight chance of a thunderstorm next Tuesday and a little better chance on Wednesday. It can change a lot either way by then.
  6. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    I may cultivate with the tiller between the rows of beans and summer peas. Then I may wait until tomorrow for some cooler air to move in tomorrow. The rains we got stirred up some weed growth. Expecting to harvest some more early corn by the end the coming week. I see one tomato starting to turn...
  7. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    I did a walk thru on the maters just before dark. No sign of horn worms for more horn worm damage. I think our pole beans are done. Maybe one more small picking tomorrow. I can see tiny buds in the summer squash that will open up as the make flowers now. I'm guessing 2 weeks till we get to eat...
  8. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    When I was living in S Central FL as a teenager it was quite common to have a thunderstorm many afternoons during the summer months. Winters were usually the driest time of year. Around were we lived shallow wells were easy to put down and I helped my dad drive many a foot of 2" well casing as...
  9. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    We got a good rain this morning and it will keep raining according to the weather radar until about 1:30pm. Expecting 4 days in a row now to plant some more okra. Anxious for the tomato and pepper seed to germinate so we can plant them in individual pots to grow off until time to put them in...
  10. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Mine are Blue Lake and the first time I ever planted them. I'm going back to KY Wonder next planting. Didn't get squat with a 100'+ of rows. I may try a few feet (10) of Kentucky Blue to see what they are like. I can still salvage a crop of Kentucky Wonders if I can get them planted by the first...
  11. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    What variety of green beans are you growing this year? Mine got to the top of the trellis and did bear a few beans and then started dying. I think the heat got to them. I pulled some plants that had gotten all the way to the top and a couple of feet falling back toward the ground and they were...
  12. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Didn't try to plant anymore okra today. If the rain does come during the night I can plant Saturday.
  13. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Depending on how the weather turns out I want to plant 3 more rows of okra today. Near the end of a row of Lima beans I ran out of seed. I finally filled it in with some Roma II bush beans for canning. Just a I got the seed dropped it started raining. I forgot about them. I actually got a good...
  14. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    The last thing planted was the okra and it has started coming up well.
  15. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    We did get seed started for fall tomatoes, peppers, and dill. Now I need to get some cucumbers growing for pickles. July 10th is our preferred date to plant cucumbers now.
  16. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Yesterday we were to have a dry evening so we could dust some things in the garden safely after the bees were gone to bed. That's off if the storm hits us like they say we have rolling in a couple of hours before dark. Can't dust wet foliage. Really need to get the worms that are in the tomatoes...
  17. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    I'm going to dust the corn silks on the latest sweet corn that still has silks forming and see if I can save that patch from ear worms. We still got several meals from 4 rows that were about 7' long at the end of the first patch. Could have had more had I been not doing so much other stuff in...
  18. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    So far nothing bothering any of the garden except for the 3 horn worms I found. I think there are 2-3 more that I can't find. Maybe the chickens found then. I'm surprised the crows aren't pulling up the latest planting of sweet corn. We did get ear worms in the early planting of corn because I...
  19. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Trellis is one line higher now. Even with two of us working at it the wind in my sails sure got low while we did it. When we came back inside I sat in my chair and immediately went to sleep for an hour and a half nap.
  20. LTAY1946

    Your 2024 Garden

    Didn't get the trellis higher on the tomatoes and they really need another wrap around them but we did get it done on our eggplant and peppers. They really needed it too. Depending on weather I hope we can get the tomatoes done tomorrow afternoon. If not it is a must do project for Monday...
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