Hello newbie from sothrn Massachusetts
I have about 25 chickens and three guinea .consider them my friends and family. Can bring me so much joy when I'm out there they come running up to me and see what I'm doing. But I am new and just saying hi
In Coop 3 we have six hands cookies one bad Rock silky three black mixed birds one beautiful huge white rooster and one rooster they call them fire spots because the markings on his neck
Then let me introduce you to my breed. I call this from the fire kiss it's it's a mess between a silky and a bad Rock I have snacks it looks like to get a little kisses by fire
Are there any conspiracy theorists around. Don't be shy then I can guarantee this more than two of us.. ride the chicken cross the road? Because he was crossing it. Lol
One of the biggest threats is an underground they fly above your head. Chicken Hawks are fast and they usually know exactly where they want to go. If you hear your roosters and chicken screaming and scream and screaming bloody murder look in the sky. Like when the Henley's an egg they squat like...