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  1. GlicksChicks

    Is there a limit to how many Japanese beetles I can feed to my chickens?

    He catches a heck of alot of japanese beetles in his trap 😅
  2. GlicksChicks

    Is there a limit to how many Japanese beetles I can feed to my chickens?

    You should be okay. There is a man who feeds his chickens mostly japanese beetles instead of chicken feed.
  3. GlicksChicks

    Roo or hen?

    I would say pullet.
  4. GlicksChicks

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What I done in the garden today was: -Transplant my small Butternut Squash plant into the ground. I am growing one in a pot going up a trellis, so I am going to try this one on the ground. -Transplant 7 Beefsteak Tomato young plants into new pots. -Transplant Marketmore Cucumber seedlings into...
  5. GlicksChicks


  6. GlicksChicks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    I am thinking their organs failed on them. It cannot be a coincidence that multiple people have had their ACs drop dead at around the same age. The AC has gotten so popular that so many people are breeding them and they are being crazily inbred.
  7. GlicksChicks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Are you asking if they tried to pin it on you because they don't want to admit the possibility of a large amount of incest in their ACs? If that it what you are asking, then it is possible. Once they admit that their ACs are heavily incest, there may be less people wanting to buy them because of...
  8. GlicksChicks

    TSC Problems and Ranting

    My TSC does not hold them. They put them on sale as soon as they get them. They definitely should hold them to see if any are sickly.
  9. GlicksChicks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    In the process of getting pure black ACs, there is alot of inbreeding going on and that causes many defects, whether it be physical or health-wise. It would definitely be good to contact them!
  10. GlicksChicks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    It is very sad to lose chickens. It could be bad genetics due to inbreeding from whoever you got them from. Did the other person you mention get their AC from the same breeder?
  11. GlicksChicks

    Best Weight to Process Dual-Purpose Cockerels

    I have decided to keep doing weigh-ins of my cockerels to see how much they gain each week since this is a new experience for me. I want to be able to see what weight they are at when I end up processing them so I can see what their yield is compared to their weight when not processed. The...
  12. GlicksChicks

    two orpingtons with curled outer toes

    Having curled toes should not affect their quality of life. I have actually had some that had toes that corrected on their own. A curved toe is nothing to worry about!
  13. GlicksChicks

    TSC Problems and Ranting

    I dunno but I like pepperoni
  14. GlicksChicks

    TSC Problems and Ranting

    I am talking about the hatchery that the chicks come from who have them labelled when they are shipped. I know that TSC is not a hatchery.
  15. GlicksChicks

    TSC Problems and Ranting

    The only thing I have heard about the chickens in the back was a woman offering me a 3 legged rooster that they had in the back. This was at a TSC I uses to go to before I moved. I didn't take it though because at the time I was not looking for a rooster. Whenever I get the chance to talk...
  16. GlicksChicks

    Buff Orpington 14 weeks pullet/cockerel?

    Very much pullet. BOs grow combs very fast as cockerels. Here is a picture of my BO cockerel when he was 10 weeks old. Him and his brother are identical with comb growth. My hens are like yours.
  17. GlicksChicks

    Hawk spotting

    Of course! Good luck with your chickens! Maybe put up some owl figurines around your coop!
  18. GlicksChicks

    Hen suddenly acting lame! Seeking explanation, advice, guidance for self-treatment if possible!

    Of course! I have a rooster that suddenly went lame in his leg for no reason, thinking a sprain from jumping from roosting. After a few months he isn't limping anymore! Maybe your hen jumped from a roost and landed on it wrong and the pain was causing her to shut down. My rooster had no pain in...
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