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  1. chickiemomy

    New chicks

    that's plenty of space! here are my personal rules about pecking chickens (all ages, btw) 1) my number one rule - is there sufficient access for all birds to water and feed - if not, add more water, feed stations, until that is not an issue. if you have repeating bullies, you can try to...
  2. chickiemomy

    The Buckeye Thread

    for me buckeyes are - personality, personality, personality. I am new to poultry - have only had gold sex links, australorps & buckeyes. It took no time at all to determine that buckeyes are all I need. From my limited experience - chickens have two strong drives (not having roosters, I am...
  3. chickiemomy

    How would you get rid of coyotes?

    thanks! - I wondered if my info was correct. We had a pygmy goat & ram torn up next door some years ago - you're right it is not at all pretty. That was a half wolf, domestic 'female dog' -- teaching her litter to hunt. Don't you need to keep more than one for company for each other? edited...
  4. chickiemomy

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    totalcolor - very nice looking dog! - sounds like he has good instincts too!
  5. chickiemomy

    How would you get rid of coyotes?

    for clarification, the catch & release that annoys me - is when city folk think it's cute to feed raccoons, or the invasive gray squirrel (non-native) -- then OMG the animal becomes a pest because it is habituated to people- comes in the house - terrorizes their pets & teaches their young to do...
  6. chickiemomy

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Had a coyote - mid-day - while we were outside - take a chicken yesterday. I am not happy! -- My brother sent me a link to the WA state wildlife info sheet on coyotes - it's quite informative. Thought I'd share with my fellow WA staters. interesting...
  7. chickiemomy

    How would you get rid of coyotes?

    my brother sent me this -- - it's a WA state bulletin on coyotes -- they have some interesting fence ideas, not all just electrified solutions. Also they say if the population is just diminished, the remaining population should become more people shy...
  8. chickiemomy

    How would you get rid of coyotes?

    take a look at this website I found yesterday for LGD. She doesn't agree they have to live with the flock 24/7 - but they do have to be bonded to them. She also believes you need more than one - as one dog, even a large one, can be overwhelmed by a pack of coyotes...
  9. chickiemomy

    How would you get rid of coyotes?

    just lost my second hen to a coyote today. The last one was a few months ago - made some changes to where they were free-ranging - but this coyote jumped over a 4 foot wire fence, next to my house & next to the coop. The chicken was within 10 feet of the house & coop & within my 'safe' zone...
  10. chickiemomy

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I second your applause for Dr. Crespo! - she gave a talk/seminar at the Mother Earth News fair in June & I learned a TON! And she really loves chickens, you can tell. It's great to have her as a resource here. Good to have the vet recommendation also! Thanks for the update -- another...
  11. chickiemomy

    One of my hens keeps pecking me - please help

    One of my hens was overly anxious when the treats come out in the afternoon & she'd occasionally give me a solid pop on the kneecap. Even through jeans I'd have a blood blister. I solved it by picking her up & holding her under my arm - but facing forward. Then while holding her I'd give the...
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