Search results for query: guineas and chickens

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  1. B

    Chickens and Guineas transition?

    Greetings all, I'm brand new here, so please pardon any idiocy on my part! I have an established flock of six chickens that live mostly in a run and I wanted to bond a group of guineas to them to keep the guineas close to home. I bought nine guinea keets and raised them with three Americana...
  2. Sunshine Chick

    Can chickens hatch guineas/ducks?

    I have a Dominique hen who’s wanting to hatch out some eggs. I don’t need any more chickens right now (except for liege fighters), but I could definitely use some friendlier Guinea keets! Could she sit on them and hatch them? I’m aware the incubation time is a bit longer than it is for chickens...
  3. Smileybans

    Guineas fighting with chickens

    My Guinea free range. My chickens don’t. My chickens are penned up in different runs depending on their breeds. The guineas lately have been going to certain runs and standing at the fence to yell at the chickens on the other side. When the roosters come over they fight with each other. The...
  4. N

    Guinea Fowl mix with chickens and do they live long

    Hi there! We are thinking of getting guinea fowl because the mosquitos are so bad out here. Does anyone here raise them with other chicks? I have some in the incubator now so I was going to order some guinea chicks but do they need their own coop? I read they bully chickens and can be quite...
  5. E

    Can guinea fowl injure or kill a chicken?.

    We have four guinea fowl that roost at night in a coop together, along with a rooster with my chickens. This morning one of the chickens was dead on the floor, and another one isn’t looking good. Can guinea fowl kill a chicken or could the rooster? We raised them all from babies together. They...
  6. A

    I’m have successfully crossed bred Guinea Fowl with unknown backyard chicken mix.

    I have been working on an exciting project for the past two years, focusing on crossbreeding chickens and Guinea fowl. Out of 60 eggs, I successfully produced one fertile egg, which hatched into a beautiful hybrid chicken. This unique bird exhibits features of both a Guinea hen and a chicken. As...
  7. F

    Chicken coop & Guinea coop. Recommended changes? Flooring?

    Hi, Pictures of our coops below. Please let me know what changes need to be made to make them predator and weather safe. Blue coop is for the chickens. Gray coop for guineas. We are painting the insides white and want to put down a waterproof/easy to clean flooring. Any suggestions on...
  8. B

    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Hello, I have a male Guinea fowl that is housed with my flock of 15 hens. They have been living together in harmony since October but all of a sudden the Guinea is attacking one of my girls. Unfortunately I was unable to see how it all started but I noticed the Guinea pecking and jumping on top...
  9. T

    Advice on breeds of various poultry

    This seemed like the best place for this, but if there is a better one, Mods feel free to move it :) I am looking to create a mixed poultry flock (for eggs, meat, and fat) for a (future) homestead, and I wanted to get first-hand experience and/or research tips from y'all on species and breeds...
  10. P

    Keeping Guineas with chickens and roosters

    Hello, I have a small flock of chickens with 8 hens and a rooster. We are contemplating adding guineas. I am wondering if I can just add them to my flock with my rooster. Orrrrr if this is just a bad idea. Please help
  11. Prince and Pavo

    Numigalls!! (Guinea Fowl - Chicken Hybrids)

    Hello! Today I saw my Guinea fowl mating one of my (chicken) hens! I’ve been told and have always heard and read that this is a rare sighting, and that it usually only happens when there aren’t any Guinea hens, or they are constantly in close contact with chickens…both of which are true in my...
  12. Lanfear

    Guinea x chicken hybrid grow-along

    I've had chickens and guineas together for 3 years, but this year I hatched out a surprise from one of my guinea eggs. I had guinea eggs put in the incubator May 16th. June 7th I went to check the eggs and much to my surprise there was a empty eggshell sitting in atray (that makes hatch date 22...
  13. Lanfear

    guinea x chicken "cheet" - foot rotating out

    Hi guys, So my "cheet" is now 2 weeks 5 days old. It has had curled toes off the hop and even trying for 2 weeks straight I could not get them to fix - anytime a wrap was removed the toes would just reset. I decided to let it be - it was probably beyond fixing, and perhaps part of the reasoning...
  14. DazzlingSkies17

    ISO chickens, ducks and guineas in CT

    I am looking to increase my flock once again, We restructured our housing/coop and run after a bear family had destroyed our other one. If anyone wants to rehome their chickens, ducks and guinea fowl please contact me. Roosters and drakes are welcome I will consider others as well 😊. We have 24...
  15. macmac955

    New Guinea Fowl! Differences to chickens?

    I’m going to receive 2 Guinea fowl chicks soon. So far I’ve raised 8 Orpingtons and 3 EEs. I’m wondering if there’s anything to change in my brooder setup that’s different than chickens? I want to make sure they have quality care.
  16. Jasfarm

    Guinea Fowl Pulling Chickens Feathers Out

    Hello! Wondering if anyone else has had this issue We raised our 4 Keets with 4 Lavender Orp chicks. They are BFF most of the time. The guineas do not leave their sides. They will even cuddle together at times. So sweet. However, they sometimes turn into devils and chase them and pull out...
  17. thislittlepig73

    Chicken - Guinea hybrid??

    Hi y’all! I have a Black Langshan hen (Matilda) who recently hatched two chicks. My rooster is a red giant Brahma (Red). Before she went broody, I had another rooster (Gaston) who was black and white Polish. And I have a bunch of guineas. Anyway, these two chicks are very different from each...
  18. sandy sea

    What to feed Chickens, Ducks and Guineas?

    I have been feeding all my ducks, chickens, and guinea fowl Layer pellets. I just read that is a NO NO for the roosters and drakes. What should I be giving them? All Flock and oyster shells in a separate bowl? What about niacin? What about scratch, I always thought that scratch was candy...
  19. JennieLamb

    Weird, but Successful Flock Coexisting in Coop/ Chickens, Guineas, Ducks, and Turkey all Together! Weird? Concerns? Ok?

    We have 50 chickens including our new hatch, our red bourbon turkeys are separate.... However we have two ducks that are in with all of our chickens and they've done really well we learned not to put open water containers inside the coop and just have a big 5 gallon waterer and it stopped them...
  20. C

    Stray keet in our acreage

    Backstory - we have a flock of neighborhood guineas (4) that roam between 3 lots. We feed and water them and they show up every morning. 1 has been missing for weeks. We assumed it was a predator. Fast forward to today and we found a crying keet in our lot, on her/his own trying to get in with...
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