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  1. wrenhen

    Muscovy Drake's knee inverts

    I feed purina flock raiser. He also will eat the scratch grain I throw out and scraps I feed the chickens. I’m not sure his age but he’s definitely at least 2-3 years old. Could be much older. I thought ducks only needed niacin as ducklings but I will look into it.
  2. wrenhen

    Muscovy Drake's knee inverts

    I notcied today my muscovy drake's knees bend the wrong way when he walks. They'll bend out a bit then pop back with each step. He didn't seem to be hesitant to move around and seems otherwise fine. Anyone know if this is a common problem or if this will be an issue?
  3. wrenhen

    Muscovy hatched a few eggs early

    Ducklings, they’re actually genetically hers, before the goose stole her first nest. I’ll just pull them, I’d be sad if she abandoned her current nest when they’re so close to hatching
  4. wrenhen

    Muscovy hatched a few eggs early

    I have a Muscovy hen who is sitting on a nest, which is higher up on a nesting box meant for chickens. I had a goose sitting on a seperate nest but they were duck eggs and she ended up crushing a chick that hatched. I took the eggs away and gave them to the hen, where she’s hatched out two of...
  5. wrenhen

    What age do geese display adult behavior?

    No just the behaviors of loud honking and how they carry their head in relation to their gender. Example people say males carry their head high.
  6. wrenhen

    What age do geese display adult behavior?

    I have a 3.5 month old goose I’m wanting to figure out the gender of. I know the shrill vs deep honk and head posture can give it away, but I’m wondering what age do they display these behaviors? So far the young goose just does little repetitive chatter honks and hasn’t done a big honk yet. It...
  7. wrenhen

    Gosling not growing / anorexic

    Wanted to do an update but I started putting the goslings in an outdoor enclosure with the other birds and the older geese seemed very interested in them. Let them out to see what would happen and the male goose basically adopted them. The little goose has started grazing and her poops are...
  8. wrenhen

    Gosling not growing / anorexic

    Awe the cute little dulaps, thank you for the comparison photo.
  9. wrenhen

    Gosling not growing / anorexic

    Hoping maybe this is it and nothing is fatally wrong
  10. wrenhen

    Gosling not growing / anorexic

    Yea I give them grass everyday, the big one gobbles it up and the little one I’ve never seen touch it. When outside she won’t graze any grass either. Hoping it’s nothing internal that’ll kill them, they are a sweet gosling
  11. wrenhen

    Gosling not growing / anorexic

    I have two goslings, approx 4-5 weeks old. One is growing huge and is heavy and the other is very light and bony and is smaller. They seem depressed and wobble a little bit as they walk, but don’t fall. I let them outside the brooder to get some fresh air and that seemed to perk them up, they...
  12. wrenhen

    Chinese or African?

    From my dad who got them at one of those outdoor flea market sales.
  13. wrenhen

    Chinese or African?

    I recently got a pair of geese, the male is a white chinese and the female is a brown goose. I am unsure if she is african or brown chinese, she was labelled as african but who knows. She is much shorter than the male. Here she is, unsure of age
  14. wrenhen

    Runner duck or just weird duck?

    It's bigger now and has some adult feathering and its definitely a fawn and white runner crested duck
  15. wrenhen

    Should I help this chick??

    I usually take the dividers out before the lockdown, this gives them room to stumble about and get their legs strong. That being said, I'd let him dry off fully before putting him in the brooder to see if he will balance himself on his own. If he cant, you can try a chick chair.
  16. wrenhen

    Runner duck or just weird duck?

    I got some mystery ducklings at a farm store and as they've grown one of the crested ducklings is seeming rather slender and has an odd crook in its neck. When it straightens its neck out it still has kind of a bend there. I cant tell if its just an awkward runner duckling or if it has an actual...
  17. wrenhen

    Clavamox dosage for call duck?

    About 1 pound
  18. wrenhen

    Clavamox dosage for call duck?

    I have a call duck with swollen lumps on his cheeks, I believe it’s a sinus infection. I have some leftover clavamox from my chickens but I’m unsure the dosage for a little call duck.
  19. wrenhen

    Should I rehome bullied chicken?

    That is good to know, I will set her kennel up back outside when the heat breaks a bit and she is feeling entirely better. I have a run I can close off while everyone free ranges so maybe I can trap her with another lower ranking hen or two to get them a posse going.
  20. wrenhen

    Should I rehome bullied chicken?

    I wish I saw the incident, I just assume it was everyone because I've seen them all peck at her before and theyll get ahold of her protective saddle and try and tear at it. Theyve never attacked her face until now, I am assuming because she wasnt her full vibrant self they got the jump on her...
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