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  1. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Tony, Since it's spring (nearly) I thought I'd bump up this thread to see how last summers hatches went from your brown hens? These last photo's look absolutely Blue to me. The rooster has a bit of red leakage. I've had Araucana's that color. Did you mate that hen and rooster? I would...
  2. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    I don't think that chocolate chick down color is black.
  3. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    That's great, exactly what I think should be done by anyone who is serious about a breed and breeding to improve and especially helpful to anyone learning. Is it set up so that anyone can use your database?
  4. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    I guess what is most confusing is seeing photo's and no information. Since chickens are not registered like horses, most (there are probably some breeders who keep very good records) don't have any sort of pedigree to study. I'm not sure I like that. The chicken genetics are so much more...
  5. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    I'm planning to sell the little cockerel I posted here. He's 3 months old now and his weight is 7.5 ounces. He's mostly feathered out so I'm giving him more time to mature before I'd ship him and I may keep him this summer to test breed him back to the hen he's out of. If he's chocolate, he...
  6. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Now that "looks" like I would expect chocolate to look. I wonder if mine are dun then since the pullet is so light colored. I'm still trying to figure out the young rooster, he looks like a flat black with some brown tones here and there but he looks black. Can he "be" black if his down was...
  7. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    It would really be helpful to see all of the colors so I could learn how to tell the difference. I'd like to see a khaki, dun, chocolate, any of them.
  8. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    What would you say the pale colored pullet is then?
  9. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Yes, all mine are from Jerry's. Here is the hen they're out of This first picture isn't in very good lighting Here she is in better lighting but not standing up as pretty
  10. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Here is her hatch mate, a young cockerel that looked like what I've found in chocolate chick down photo's In chick down As he began feathering out, he looks black but his chick down was not right for a black chick. He does have some brown tones now but also some green sheen to a couple tail...
  11. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Can anyone tell me what color this pullet is? Here she is in her chick down Here is her wing, she's a pale, soft, taupe color.
  12. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    I'm still trying to find a single khaki or dun Serama so I'd know what I'm looking at. The weird thing is that one of my rooster chicks was the typical down color for chocolate but he is feathering out looking black and another (a pullet) is feathering out the palest tan and no one seems to...
  13. smoothmule

    Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

    Can you tell Chocolate from Dun when they are grown? I have Serama's from Jerry and I am getting brown colored chicks but I don't know if they are dun or chocolate and I can't seem to find anyone who can tell me or show me photo's to tell the difference. I have a young rooster that was a...
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