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  1. tristancolli

    how old

    how old are chicks before u can feel their spur bumps?????
  2. tristancolli


    I hatched out a 70 % hatch rate for my first ever hatch i am so happy i hatched 8 of 10 but one was deformed and didn't make it. so i figured that was a 70% hatch rate i think it is pretty got for my first ever hatch
  3. tristancolli

    blood in the egg

    i have an egg hatching there is a hole about 1/2 in by 1/2 in in the shelll but there is alot of blood thats a bad thing right
  4. tristancolli


    so i got 2 eggs hatch last night and i still have some waiting but the two that hatched are in a cage together but they keep going after eachothers feet what can i do
  5. tristancolli

    WTB Hatching Eggs In canada

    I am looking for some hatching eggs in canada preferably ontario or surrounding provencies.
  6. tristancolli

    temp problems???

    Hi i am new to incubating i got a hova-bator 1583 incubator and the temps jump from 98.4 to 100.2 i can;t get it to stay at 100.2 or 99.5 what can i do
  7. tristancolli


    sry this add got posted twice
  8. tristancolli

    Roo or Hen????

    this is a buff laced polish but i am not sure if it is a hen or not i was told it was so can someone help me
  9. tristancolli

    Polish Roo?????

    Ok so i am wondering why my polish roo has huge spurs but no wattle or comb??????? can anyone help me
  10. tristancolli

    or my friendLooking to buy standard salmon faverolle hen in Florda

    I am posting this for a friend who i know that is looking for a hen to breed with their roo if anyone has one pm me of my friend theZombie
  11. tristancolli


    I have a chicken whoms waddles and comb is a deep red almost dark purple and is just laying around i was wondering what it could be
  12. tristancolli

    WTB Incubator in Ontario..

    Hi i am new to chickens and incubating and i want to buy a used bator with maybe a auto turner i am located in ontario canada please let me know what u got
  13. tristancolli

    Coop Ideas NEEDED?????

    I live in northern central Ontario and i need help with finding a coop deisgn that will not weight a ton but it has to be able to keep the chickens warm duing our winters (-25c or colder) i only need it big enough for 3 chickens. anyone with ideas????
  14. tristancolli

    Green Eggs??

    If i get a green egg from someone that i buy them from is it because of the age of the eggs or what
  15. tristancolli

    Nesting Boxes????

    What do you people use in your nesting boxes i tried hay but they just pulled it out onto the floor what should i try next?????
  16. tristancolli

    wild turkeys?

    Will wild toms sleep in a tree with the females
  17. tristancolli

    20 week?????

    My girls(or we think girls) will be 20 weeks feb. 9th you would know if any are roos by now right? like they would already be crowing?
  18. tristancolli

    Question on Stop-Pick Liquid?

    I bought a stop-pick liquid form my local co-op i was just wondering it i put it on just the wound or can i put it on its back featehrs or somewhere elts
  19. tristancolli

    WTB -hatching eggs in Ontario Canada-Help me?

    as of this moment i am not truly looking but as of february i will be i am looking for any brahmas or silkie eggs.if yo will have any show breed eggs let me know preferably on of those two but i will take any show breeds.
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