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  1. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    ...I wish someone had been there to take a picture! They're almost seven weeks old now. I need to get my butt in gear and get their coop finished...would help if some certain birds (*cough* silkies and bantams*) would stop making a mess in the shed... Here's a picture of Max climbing onto my...
  2. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    So a more pleasant update..! Jack and Max have finally been moved into our big brooder downstairs (it's an old livestock water tank). They are loving the perches and the huge increase in space to run around and play...but they are not so happy about being separated from me. They'll be okay...
  3. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    No, our birds are free range, so we have enough roosters to accommodate each flock of hens, but no more than that. If I had extra sumatra roos I would build extra pens for them, though, heh. That and if we have any cochin roosters (we just drove way down south of here to pick up some locally...
  4. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Unfortunately I do not have good news to report. All of the cochins have now been lost, which broke my little sibling's heart. However, we have found a somewhat nearby breeder who happens to have some spangled cochins left over. Elise, my smallest sumatra pullet, is on her way out. She's...
  5. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Well, we ordered another 7 chicks from a different hatchery, and they arrived today, a day behind schedule. Sadly one of the cochins was lost during shipping, and I'm pretty sure one of my day old sumatras is on the way out. The other chicks are all perking up quite nicely, though. Two cochin...
  6. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    It's good to be back! I was going through withdrawal, haha., have Max and Jack really taken off growing! It's very clear now that the hatchery did indeed get it right with Max being a pullet and Jack being a cockerel. Jack has just the slightest hint of waddles, which hopefully...
  7. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Whenever I take the nuggets anywhere they stay on me for at least 20 minutes before exploring. This results in a lot of adventures involving me crawling around while they just sit or stand on my back. They'll also just lay down in my lap while I crab-walk around. I can't believe they'll be 3...
  8. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Okay, so the new brooder has a front door and a top door, but I prefer to use the front door. It is amazing how much just changing to coming at them from a different angle changes how they react to me opening the cage and having my hands in there. Now if I could just convince Jack to get off of...
  9. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    At two weeks old now, it's time for another upgrade! This cage has a platform and perch added, since they've started experimenting a lot with their wings and jumping ability. It is more exposed to drafts, but they're old enough and feathered enough that it won't be a problem. I've told my...
  10. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    The hatchery cannot send another chick unless I buy two others, but that's fine. I'm content to just work with my two for now. Now that they're 12 days old their personalities are becoming way more apparent and defined! Jack is very bold but not aggressive, he wants to be top-chick, but not...
  11. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Anne did not make it. She passed away yesterday in my hands. She started to struggle and lost the use of her legs, so I was holding her to calm her down and keep her from hurting herself. She relaxed and fell asleep, and after a little while I realized she was gone. I am glad that she was in my...
  12. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Max and Jack are extremely perky and playful today! They love to cry for me and then chase my hand around the brooder and bounce around all over the place. Anne, however, has a really bad case of pasty butt and isn't feeling very well. I cleaned her up a little bit ago and she relieved herself...
  13. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Oh how I am in love! Left to right: Anne (pullet), Max (pullet), and Jack (cockerel) They've been eating and drinking plenty on their own and going under the heat plate without an issue. They seem to be very active and comfortable. I cannot really see spurs yet, so I can't count...but their...
  14. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Well, they arrived at the post office in the local city, but were not going to be shipped to my post office until tomorrow, which was ridiculous to me. So we drove to the city and picked them up! All three are alive and well. They were happy to sleep tucked into a jacket in my lap, and were...
  15. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Thank you! I am fretting like a, well, a mother hen lol! My latest update is that the chicks arrived at the closest major postal station(?) a little over two hours ago. If the post office doesn't call in the next few hours I'll call them again and ask about it. For now, while I take deep...
  16. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    The hatch went well and my chicks are now on their way! In the meantime, I'll just be sitting here panicking. We're picking up more probiotics and vitamins tomorrow, didn't realize we were out. They're being shipped Priority Express 2-Day and it is driving me crazy! I just want the little...
  17. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Our leg band pack arrived yesterday! I picked out the colors to ID my birds :) Jack is what I plan to name my cockeral, Anne and Mary for the pullets, and Max in case an extra is sent. Yes, they are pirate inspired names, haha. ("Calico Jack," Anne Bonny, and Mary Max, a character...
  18. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Thank you, AshlyMommaWard! Here's the brooder! All set up with a medium sized heat plate, a bowl for food (near the plate) and a bowl for water w/ marbles added as a precautionary measure. (Don't worry, the bedding is NOT sawdust! It's equine pelleted bedding that was soaked and fluffed, not...
  19. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Yesterday mom and Quail (my sibling) decided to integrate the bitty-bantams and the silkies. Seems to be going well. The silkies are much larger, but the bitty-bantams make up for their stature in attitude. I am worried about Hazel, she's the very smallest of them all and seems to be more mild...
  20. Abronsyth

    The Saga of a Chicken-Dad

    Here are the promised pictures of my mom and sibling's babies! First, the 11 silkies! (Tofu, Miso, Wonton, Chives, Sage, Coriander, Dill, Parsley, Poppy, Basil, and Salsa) These are all of today, their first time outside. We're pretty sure Wonton is a rooster, and probably Chives as...
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