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  1. trainman

    Ducks a-layin'

    Thanks for that answer. It had me stumped. I'll wait and hope things pick up in Spring.
  2. trainman

    Ducks a-layin'

    I have 6 female Rouen ducks I bought as chicks last April 2022. Only 3 of them are laying. What could be the issue with the other 3?
  3. trainman

    Maturity in ducks

    I recently was given 3 male Rouen drakes. I had also purchased 7 Rouens (1 male & 6 females). They were purchased 4/18 and I was told the gifted ones were born 3/18. I have them separated with the 3 oddballs free ranging and in the pond and my new flock in an enclosure. The oddballs are trying...
  4. trainman

    Homegrown corn

    OK. I want to try to harvest the seeds for a feed supplement and not just an annual treat. So what method do you recommend to harvest, dry and store the seeds?
  5. trainman

    Homegrown corn

    Feed is rising in cost so I thought I'd like to supplement my commercial feed with some home grown corn and sunflower seeds. I have plenty of space to grow it so that's not an issue. My questions concern what and how to do it. Once planted and it's producing where do I go from there? Do I let...
  6. trainman

    Messy eaters

    My Barred Rocks are very wasteful with the feed. I have a 3lb metal hanging feeder for them. It's about 4-6" above the floor of the coop. I just cleaned the coop and noticed there was more feed on the floor than bedding. I feed them layer crumbles. Is there a way to not have them throwing the...
  7. trainman

    What do you do with your chickens when they die?

    ...out of the windows! I ran up and the coop was filled with dense acrid smoke. I had a heat lamp in one section for my youngsters since it's been 28* lately. I guess they got rambunctious and knocked it off the support and it set the bedding on fire. That in turn burned an area about 9x15 out...
  8. trainman

    Worthless broodies

    I have raised chickens for a long time and had very good success with broody hens hatching and raising chicks (and ducks)! I have usually had a mixture of breeds including Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, New Hampshires and some others. Unfortunately they were devoured by raccoons and fox...
  9. trainman

    When To Re-home a Rooster

    I had a 9 month old Plymouth Rock rooster that turned pretty aggressive around 7 months. He started attacking my 10 YO grandson and then started on me. We ate him tonight and he was delicious baked! The ONLY thing to do when you get an aggressive rooster is eat him. They don't get better.
  10. trainman

    My rooster is always attacking me!!!

    Roosters can be a good thing and take care of the girls but one that attacks you or others needs to go away. Mine have spurs way over an inch long and they hurt! Personally I'd make Rooster Stew with him like any mean ones I've had. Maybe if you don't want to kill him yourself find someone...
  11. trainman

    Egg toss!

    That may help. What are POL pullets?
  12. trainman

    Geese as watchdogs?

    I generally raise a flock of about 40-50 chickens but lately the varmints (fox, raccoons & neighbor's dogs) have decimated a couple flocks. I was told if I get a few geese they would keep the varmints away or actually chase them. I don't know if that's true or not as I have no experience with...
  13. trainman

    Egg toss!

    I'm down to 4 laying hens and 20 pullets. Lately the layers are tossing the nest eggs out on to the coop floor. Wonder why they started doing that?
  14. trainman

    Copperhead headed for the coop?😲

    I'm glad that's the one predator I haven't had issues with! I HATE snakes no matter what breed or type. I recently found out it's actually illegal to kill copperheads and other poisonous snakes in my area. I can't believe that! I have grandsons who like to run around the farm. My problem so far...
  15. trainman

    Watering choices

    I'm not sure if the heater base gets warm enough to damage the plastic waterer. Anyone experience the stinky water from the plastic waterer? I bought a 2 or 3 gallon one with an octagonal base. With the covid I haven't been able to replace my metal ones.
  16. trainman

    Watering choices

    ...ok except it STINKS for some reason. The chickens don't seem to mind the smell so that's good. With winter quickly approaching and temps already 39* at night I need to think about plugging in the heater bases. Will they get hot enough to melt the plastic waterers? Anyone have experience with...
  17. trainman

    Growing corn for feed

    I had the thought that I have a pretty big section of my garden I don't seem to use and maybe if I planted corn for the flock it could help with the feed bill. Has anyone grown their own corn? How do you harvest and prepare it for use? Would it be best to build a corn crib or leave it on the...
  18. trainman

    New to backyard chickens, egg laying help

    Many chickens when first starting to lay aren't sure where to lay them and it may come as a surprise so they may drop an egg wherever they happen to be. Sometimes they will lay them outside the coop or on the floor. They also may lay a soft shell egg until their body gets more mature and the...
  19. trainman

    Neighbors dog got my rooster today as he was protecting his hens. Captured on security camera

    I'm sorry you lost your rooster. He was a very brave fellow! Looked like the dog came on to your property and the rooster was trying to protect his flock. I'm in an even more rural location and deal with predators of all sorts constantly. My closest neighbor is over 1/4 mile away but his dogs...
  20. trainman

    What shape of roosts do you use in your chicken coop?

    I use 2x4's with the wide sides up. I had round ones and a few chickens got frostbite on their toes so my new coop has these. So far no complaints!
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