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  1. Coops Dad

    Eating a egg that hen has been sitting on

    Candle the eggs, mark any eggs that show veining or development, dispose of the rest, and gather any new eggs daily.
  2. Coops Dad

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    Yes, she checks all the boxes except the temperament; it's probably due to her being the only WL in a flock of Orpies. She evidently learned how to chicken from them.
  3. Coops Dad

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    100% White Leghorn. Pretty bird.
  4. Coops Dad

    Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?

    My main rooster, an American Bresse, "prepares" the nesting boxes for his hens after I change the bedding. He goes into each and wallows about to form the nest. He's a very good boy. Here's a pic:
  5. Coops Dad

    WARNING: Cackle Hatchery

    True, 3 maybe 4 days under optimal circumstances but the stresses of shipping in heat and humidity aren't optimal by any stretch. If I ordered chicks and found the box was opened in order to ensure they arrived alive, I'd call the manager to THANK the carrier for their care and compassion...
  6. Coops Dad

    Best Age to Sell Roosters?

    ...and bleeding the bird (.22 to the dome, then slitting the neck arteries and hanging upside down for about 10 minutes) followed by a dip in 160* water to loosen the feathers. Then it gets a ride in the chicken plucker until it's naked. After that, it is gutted and either converted to quarters...
  7. Coops Dad

    WARNING: Cackle Hatchery

    Live animals is the grenade in the game of paper/rock/scissors - it beats them all. If a cop can violate your fourth amendment rights by breaking into your car to free an overheated dog, there should be no quarrel about opening a box containing chicks to render life saving aid.
  8. Coops Dad

    Cystic fibrosis help!

    Do your neighbors have any leverage to force you to get rid of your chickens ie: HOA, city/county ordinances? If not, maybe you could mollify them by moving your coop to the property line farthest from them. Or tell them you were torn between hogs or chickens and felt chickens would be much less...
  9. Coops Dad

    New and Need help!

    I've had several incubated eggs ooze an amber or light yellow liquid and, in every instance, the egg was rotten. The first one I ever experienced actually popped in the incubator and I had to take it completely apart, wash every piece by hand with Dawn liquid, wipe it down with bleach and...
  10. Coops Dad

    Sick turkey chick!

    What are you feeding him? Poults should have a good high protein game bird starter for the first 2-3 months.
  11. Coops Dad

    Please Help me

    Unless you get chick starter feed and a heat lamp, prepare to lose the other chick too.
  12. Coops Dad

    My rooster is being aggressive towards me for no apparent reason?

    You don't sound like you have a lot of experience with aggressive roosters so cull him right away. You won't change an aggressive rooster of an aggressive breed this late in the game.
  13. Coops Dad

    Debate! Hybrids or heritage chickens?

    Depends on what your goals are. If egg production was my only goal, I'd get hybrids bred for laying. If my only goal was meat production, I'd raise Cornish Crosses. If I wanted sustainable eggs and meat, and cost per dozen eggs and pound of meat wasn't a major factor, I'd raise the fastest...
  14. Coops Dad

    How much should I sell my chicks for?

    Raise them to the point that they're 3-4 months old"approaching point of lay", then sell the pullets for $10 each and eat the roosters.
  15. Coops Dad

    I'm sorry I have another question😅

    No, not at all. I have a Nurture Right 360 and have had excellent results. I take the turner drive motor out of the base and run it through the dishwasher on the energy saver/no heat/no dry setting, then spritz it down with a 1-tbs bleach : 1 qt water solution and let it air dry. Then I...
  16. Coops Dad

    I'm sorry I have another question😅

    My reply isn't critical of Odoban; it was intended for the OP because of OP's aversion to using bleach around chicks due to chemical exposure. I use bleach to disinfect my incubator and pretty much everything else concerning our hatching, brooding and processing of chickens. Bleach is a wonder...
  17. Coops Dad

    I'm sorry I have another question😅

    Odoban has way more chemicals than bleach; the safety data sheet looks like a list of chemicals- go to their website, choose the disinfectant then scroll down to the SDS sheet, then scroll up to the list of scents. It'll open in a PDF but my phone won't let me print or save it as a pic. ETA...
  18. Coops Dad

    I'm sorry I have another question😅

    Why not a spray of 91% rubbing alcohol? It's a good sanitizer, evaporates completely in a very short time and leaves no residue. Or even Everclear grain alcohol; whatever you don't use can be mixed grape juice for a relaxing after-chore beverage.
  19. Coops Dad

    Anyone having issues with hen hatches this year?

    I use color coded zip ties to mark birds for various reasons; what month and year of hatch, birds for the next cull, etc.
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