
May 24, 2024
Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and has passed the water test, but we are worried as we can not see in. Also there is an ooze of some sorts leaking from the shell, (no cracks in the shell though) Once the stuff on the outside was wiped off, the egg once again, looked and smelt normal. Does anyone know if the egg is ok or what's happening??
Welcome to BYC, Gemma. What type lights are you using?
You said you used a water test. That isn't a good idea, the eggs are porous.
If the egg is leaking, it's probably not any good. I'm sure that someone will be along to offer more help, very soon.
I've had several incubated eggs ooze an amber or light yellow liquid and, in every instance, the egg was rotten. The first one I ever experienced actually popped in the incubator and I had to take it completely apart, wash every piece by hand with Dawn liquid, wipe it down with bleach and reassemble it. It didn't smell right for months- there was always the hint of sulphurous egg.

My advice is to wipe a bit of the juice with your index finger then rub your thumb and finger together and smell it. If there's even a hint of nasty, take a Ziploc bag, turn it inside out, reach inside and use it as a glove to carefully pick up the egg. Then turn the bag right-side out, zip it closed and put it in the trash out at the street.

Also, do it even if you don't smell anything foul. You don't want that.
I also had an egg in the incubator start 'sweating' yellow goo and as I removed it it absolutely burst and was rotten. Goo sweat on the egg means that egg is dead, so sorry. <3

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