
  1. paradisepentacoop

    How do you all keep track of you eggs to date? (Poll)

    Hey all! My hens started laying about two weeks ago and I want to implement a form of tracking at the exact two week mark. Reasons being I am super curious, chicken health, and for fun. :}
  2. C

    Acting strange, egg bound?

    I have 5 Wyandotte chickens, they are just starting to reach egg laying age. These are our first chickens, so it is all new. We have had 3 small eggs in the past week. I have one chicken that is acting strange, she has been very vocal, keeps separating herself and laying down in secluded spaces...
  3. S

    It's appearing on all of my hens

    What is this? It appearing on all of my hens!. On the same spot. Should I be concerned? They lay eggs, age 8-9months
  4. paradisepentacoop


    I am SO excited one of my australorps finally laid an egg! I feel bad since they are still on chick crumble due to budget and All Flock being harder to find where I live. I am going to switch them over as soon as I can find a bag and supplement with some form of calcium (oyster shells are also...
  5. H

    HELP! I assisted a duckling before internal pipping!

    Hello! I have been incubating duck eggs for the first time. I placed 6 eggs in the incubator, 4 were fertilized and 2 were not, and then later one of the 4 died, so I am currently left with three eggs. Yesterday was day 28, and all the eggs still didn't do internal pipping yet. I also realized...
  6. crunchygranola

    My chickens laid their first egg!!

    I’m just so excited that I had to share! I’ve raised this chicks from two day old babies and finally, after all the hard work and turmoil and money well spent, I finally got my first egg! Its little and just so cute— I’m ecstatic! So proud of my girls! 🥰 (brown egg is a large-sized egg from...
  7. B


    Hello :) I have four hens (pharaoh coturnix) who I believe are all laying regularly now. I've noticed dramatic differences in egg colouration and texture - the ones with an almost solid brown covering are a bit rougher and less shiny that the speckled eggs. I have been assuming this is just...
  8. JessG

    Quail that lays peanut shaped eggs

    The left two eggs are laid by the same chicken. She lays these odd shaped eggs every day. The right one is one of the regular shaped eggs in the same aviary. Just a quirk or what do you guys think? It’s been months since she started laying and they are always similar
  9. PeaBee

    unfertilized eggs

    Hi folks, does anyone have any idea why eggs from a 6 year old Emerald Spalding hen were laid unfertilized? I only added them to my group about a year ago, with 2 roosters and another 3 hens. In the same aviary I have a 2 year old peach hen with the same problem, she is still young so I can...
  10. Muser

    First time hatching eggs

    Hi All, I have a big broody Orpington/Brahma and she's super keen to sit on eggs. Been trying to break her for a good week, she's currently sat in chicken jail and I just feel terrible for her so having second thoughts about maybe putting some eggs under her to hatch. I was going to order...
  11. S

    Dead egg?

    All the rest have hatched while we were on vacation )we had someone watching them.) except this one. We figured it’d hatch out by now we collected these all about the same time. But to me it kinda looks like it stoped growing but I’m not too sure how to tell and the dark kinda blood spot on...
  12. 0

    Paper-like & wrinkly coating on eggshell

    One of my girls laid an egg and it’s the oddest one I’ve gotten. The egg itself seems totally normal in the spots I can see the underlying eggshell. On top is a sort of coating - it’s dried & wrinkly and feels sort of like if someone coated the egg in wet paper and let it dry. This egg took a...
  13. Barnette

    Favorite Egg Color Poll

    Just a random poll: what is your favorite egg color that chickens lay? There's a wide variety of colors and breeds that lay them. Choose your favorite!
  14. Layla_Chickens

    Are the eggs going to hatch?

    I have a hen ( Greasy) and this is her first time hatching any babies. She's approximately 3-4 days away from hatching the eggs but the only problem I just found out is that she doesn't have any hay under her eggs. I don't know if this will affect the egg hatching or will prevent them from...
  15. Black Rat Snake Eating Egg.jpg

    Black Rat Snake Eating Egg.jpg

    Black Rat Snake in chicken coop, eating giant egg
  16. S


    We’re incubating and hatching chicks it’s our first time and we hatched the first 2 successfully, i have one that i heard chirping from inside the egg so i came over to look and saw the shell had a crack in it but i haven’t heard anything and it hasn’t cracked anymore in 3 hours, the other 2...
  17. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  18. I

    Chicken slitting on eggs and eating them

    Hello, This is my first time raising chickens... A few days ago, the hen laid 11 eggs. After 7 days, I found only 6 eggs and the egg shells. I think the hen is eating her eggs while she is incubating. What is the solution? Thank!
  19. C

    Brown stuff in egg?

    Hi, not sure where exactly to share this post, but I was wondering if anyone has an idea about what this brown stuff is in this egg? I’ve gotten a few like this before.
  20. M

    What in the world is on my egg?

    My girls are out on 1 acre pasture for the summer. Found this egg in my horse hay, definitely laid today by my Midnight Majesty Marans. Hen is just over 1 yo, has been laying since last fall. Have yet to see anything like it. The weirdness is question is not attached to the egg.
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