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  1. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Are the legs on this one close together underneath or far apart? When my Muscovy female walk their feet are close together my drake had a wider stance. It’s very hard to tell by a picture because you can’t judge actual size. If you can get a good front view of body and legs it will be better...
  2. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    That is what I have mini dachshunds only one left now and he is 151/2 he grew up with the ducks and so did my other 2 that have passed on. But I never let them be alone when a mama had ducklings their prey drive is too high.
  3. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Of course he wants to bite the dogs ,cats, humans, female muscovy drakes it is just the way they are. What breed of dogs do you have? I would try and either keep him from them so they don't injure him or train the duck to leave them alone which may not work. I keep my dogs and poultry separated...
  4. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    That is the start of hormones. Try not to pet him that can get them started too. If he starts biting put him away from you in time out, or flatten him out belly down and hold onto him till he quits figthing then let him up facing away from you That would work sometimes with my drake but the best...
  5. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    whose sister? the drakes that you rescued but he wants to stay with you and Brownie your duckling? do you not want him any longer? Sorry I am confused.
  6. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Do you keep the lights off overnight? If you don't I would so your not disrupting her sleep. Ducks need other ducks they are flock animals so she is lonely maybe eventually your drake will accept her.
  7. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    It's lonely can you get it a friend? a safe mirror can help too and a stuffed animal. But a friend is what it really needs. Has your Muscovy befriended it?
  8. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    That's great news!
  9. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Feed and treats look good. How long has the duckling been breathing like this? any discharge from nares or eyes? How is your chicken that was having problems? does your duck cough?
  10. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Your rescue looks so much better I am glad to hear he recovered. As for your 7-week-old what do you feed and are you giving treats and supplements? usually, mouth breathing is from being too warm but can also mean respiratory illness. Is the ducking eating your dog's food. My ducks love dry...
  11. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    You may want to go here and post about your hen
  12. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Is she still laying eggs? yellow discharge can be from an egg breaking inside of her but what did the discharge look like that came out of her nose? Was it clear or did it have color to it?
  13. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    He's very young. I hope he gets over this attack, it does sound like he has made progress. Does he hold his head normal when walking?
  14. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    Does he forage outside? Walk around ? Do you know how old he is?
  15. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    How is your boy doing?
  16. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    You could try once to see if you notice any difference in how he acts. If it doesn’t seem to help don’t use it.
  17. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    He must be injured in his neck was there any wound on his neck Maybe a bad sprain? They can be painful. I am not sure there is much that can be done other than what you are doing. Taking care of him and supporting him through this. here is info on other pain relievers...
  18. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    This is one way of keeping them from jumping off the sides too. These Xpens are great for so many things related to our birds.
  19. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    That is great news!! he needs a way to safely get into the pool a ramp or steps made out of scrap wood would work. But it would be better for his legs not to have to jump off the side. The reason saying is my Muscovy drake injured his legs jumping off the side of the pool so best to keep that...
  20. Miss Lydia

    Duck with Breathing problems

    How does his wound look? can you get a picture of it or them and is there any smell or oozing he may have infection. Of course if the dog grabbed him his body is most likely very sore but the only thing I can think of to get him to eat is tube feeding we have info if you want to try but you'll...
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