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  1. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Its a poor dog that cant stand to smell his own farts......JS
  2. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

  3. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    One of my sisters called today. I havent spoke with her in a few years I think. She has another sister staying with her. The one whos house burnt. Said she dreamed of me last night but couldnt remember the dream. I guess she just wasnt telling. My mom used to have dreams that would come true. I...
  4. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Its the same meals. He was in a very big truck and probably didnt have room to turn around
  5. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    86 real feel 96 now
  6. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Fed ex just delivered the box of food and that man carried that heavy box all the way down my driveway! I cant even lift it and thats a good 200ft. at least. I tried to give him kudos on line but theres only room for complaints.
  7. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I know your doing your best Cynthia. Its a good thing she has her meds on board and I hope she stays out of pain for a very long time. :hugs ❤️
  8. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I was at my drs once and didnt know what was going on with me. I remember parts of it but not all. I was wandering the hallways After the dr had seen me Another dr came out and asked if I was ok then my dr came out and very hatefully said Im done with you. Leave. This new dr took ahold of me and...
  9. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Morning all, I cant access my chart. They want to send me a code thru my cell phone which I dont have . sucks
  10. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Im gonna say gnight. Ive been tired for a while. lol sweet dreams all
  11. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I cant disagree with you. They need that $
  12. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I feel the same way.
  13. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I still have one to go but I wont take that til Im about ready for bed. My air has run all day too
  14. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Wow! I dont like that. people killing for trophys. Food yes. Those things arent cheap to have stuffed either.
  15. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Have you ever done it?
  16. Granny Hatchet

    Granny's gone and done it again

    thats not what I meant. I meant tell like where you were, why were you in the same room ect..
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