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  1. Ashley & Donna Dame

    The hardships of being a chicken mama

    We've had chickens for 8 years now. I've learned so much through this process and never in a million years did I ever think I'd get so attached to my girls and roos. Being a chicken mama isn't easy. Chickens are "a lot" of work. Just when you think you've seen or experienced it all, something...
  2. Ashley & Donna Dame

    The hardships of being a chicken mama

    We've had chickens for 8 years now. I've learned so much through this process and never in a million years did I ever think I'd get so attached to my girls and roos. Being a chicken mama isn't easy. Chickens are "a lot" of work. Just when you think you've seen or experienced it all, something...
  3. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Free ranging

    We live in the woods where we have lots of predators. For us letting our flocks free range is scary. We lost a hen to an owl one day and a hen to a dog another day. So we've been pretty adamant about keeping the flocks inside unless we are right out there with them. We moved and are still in the...
  4. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Silkie roosters for free

    I hatched out some silkie eggs and now at 3 1/2 months old we've found some roosters. My alpha won't tolerate mating of his hens and these boys are starting. So it's time to find good homes because I don't want cock fighting and I don't want my hens beat up by teen roos. The hens are very...
  5. Ashley & Donna Dame

    9 week old brahmas. Genders?

    The lighter one is turning lavander. Pretty sure she's a hen. The dark brahma seems to be a roo which is great. We wanted a roo to add to the flock. Looking for some input from experienced brahma owners.
  6. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Does an adult silkie rooster recognize chicks that are males and kill them?

    We have 6 5 week old silkie chicks that I'm starting the integration process with. It seems that the majority if not all of them are males. Who knows right? My question is.....will my adult silkie rooster recognize the males at this age and if so will he be ok with them?
  7. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Hot maine days

    It's the middle of July and phew is it hot. The chickens have to endure 90 degree weather with humidity. I've freshened their waterers with new cold water. Then I wanted to give them something sweet for energy and to help with the heat. So I pulled out a couple grape Popsicles. Broke them up...
  8. Ashley & Donna Dame

    3 cockerels for free

    We live in maine and have 3 almost9 week old silkie cockerels for free. They have proven over and over that they are boys and definitely are acting the part. If anyone is interested in them please send me a message. That we just got up and running, but I'm posting the pictures here too Thanks...
  9. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Frizzled silkie chicks, 5 and 6 wks old. Male or female?

    The first picture is the almost 7 weeks old, the second is alnost 6 weeks. What are your thoughts on sex? They are both frizzled silkies.
  10. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Jersey giants

    Hi all, Recently we adopted four chickens. Three jersey giants and one golden comet. It says that jersey giants are docile and friendly, however I don't think these chickens read that article. It's been nearly a month since we adopted them. They are supposedly almost 2 years old. They laid 2...
  11. Ashley & Donna Dame


    good morning fellow chicken peeps. I looked but couldn’t find anything except crab shells for chickens. I am wondering if they can have the meat only? I have a can and want to feed it to my flock but am not sure if I should.
  12. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Somethings wrong with my chicken....depression?

    Hi all, Looking for some advice. We have quite a few chickens and have been raising them for almost 2 years now. One of our bantam cochins went broody this past summer, but had no eggs. So I put another cochin egg under her and she hatched it. The next morning when I went out the chick was...
  13. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Pooping behaviors

    Hi everyone....just a question to throw out there. One of our 3 flocks have started a wonderful but odd pooping behavior. They have one crate we had for laying eggs, however they have adopted it for their potty. They poop no where else in the coop or run. Has anyone out there had this happen...
  14. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Meet Lucy

    "I LOVE LUCY" That's what I thought of when this silkie hatched. She had a red that reminded me of Lucille Ball. I have to say silkies are an amazing breed. This little beauty waits st the run dr. Oor every night for me to pick her up, cuddle her a few minutes, have chicken conversation and...
  15. Ashley & Donna Dame


    Has anyone out there used these plastic nesting pads? We recently had a mile problem, in fact we are still working on getting it cleared up, but it's come a long ways. I'm trying to do something other than shavings because a couple of our hens sneeze from the dust and if I can find something...
  16. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Splay leg

    Hoping someone can help. We have a chick that's about a week and a half old. She had a displaced tendon on her hock. We got that back into place right away and had it taped for a few days while her bone grew. The tendon appears to be staying now but the chick has splay leg. We have done the...
  17. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Hatching is always nerve wracking

    This is our 5th hatch. I thought with each batch it would get a little less stressful. BOY was I wrong. I wake all night long during lockdown after we start seeing pips. I worry about each little baby inside the egg and wonder, what color, what size, is it healthy and will it make it out on it's...
  18. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Input needed - what type of hen is this?

    Good evening peeps, Pretty sure she's a polish but looking for second opinions. Our EE Roo has been mating her like mad and shes been showing signs of broodiness. She is the gold colored bird in the photo. We have a white and black hen just like her with much larger more full crest. The gold...
  19. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Temperature Specifics please

    We have two 11 week old and ten 8 week old chicks in a brooder inside. It's gotten to be too much. We can't keep up with the smell and mess. They are also bored. I have read numerous numerous articles that chicks can go outside at 8 weeks old. None that I've read have said what's too cold. We...
  20. Ashley & Donna Dame

    Questions about lockdown period

    Good morning everyone. We are doing our very first hatch. It's our own eggs. A bantam silky and a cross between a sex link and easter egger rooster. We are on day 20, and like so many am feeling very anxious and nervous. We candled the eggs before lockdown and both chicks were doing well. We...
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