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  1. Alexandra Runner

    Weird color chicken egg

    I blow mine. Its kinda fun! You just can't get it wet or the colour will change.
  2. Alexandra Runner

    Weird color chicken egg

    My girl Hope used to lay like that! She grew out of it, unfortunately. Her daughter ought to be paying soon, so I hope Brianna will do it!
  3. Alexandra Runner


  4. Alexandra Runner

    Free in Maryland- 8-week Buff Roo

    Man, that stinks. Really looks like a hen. Good luck to you!
  5. Alexandra Runner

    Avengers Themed Memorial Hatch-A-Long

    Can't wait for little fluffies!! Keep it up, Steve!
  6. Alexandra Runner

    Rhode Island Red rooster

    I'm going to second that.What made you think it is a rooster?
  7. Alexandra Runner


    Okay, first things first, take a deep breath. It's not as bad as it could be; you caught it in time! I would start by treating for shock. Get some electrolytes in her water and see if she will eat anything. For the flesh wounds, you'll want to put some Neosporin without pain relief directly into...
  8. Alexandra Runner

    Frizzle hatching eggs hatch-a-long choose an egg to befriend.

    I somehow managed to lose this thread, whoops. Did Audrea make it???
  9. Alexandra Runner

    Field peas - safe?

    I have no experience of field peas with ducks ans geese, but I feed them to my chickens all the time with no ill affects!
  10. Alexandra Runner

    How do you...?

    I use Pen Pal chick starter; I'll post a label later. Nothing seems wrong with the hock at all, no scabbing or swelling. On a better note, the chick does seem to be using it a bit more this morning; the leg's less out to the side and more under the chick.
  11. Alexandra Runner

    Any fellow language-learners out there?

    Thanks! I travel frequently, and the place I mainly go (Universal Orlando!) has a lot of different countries and cultures visiting, and they are all so much fun to learn about!
  12. Alexandra Runner


    That's crazy! I am glad you figured it out; turkeys can be dunderheads sometimes. I am sorry you lost your birds.
  13. Alexandra Runner

    How do you...?

    Alrightie! Thank you!
  14. Alexandra Runner

    How do you...?

    The spot on its bottom's fluff is a piece of a pine needle. Also, I checked on the feed, and it does not have riboflavin in it. Should I go ahead and get the vitamin B complex next time I am in town (I live a bit away, haha!) or should I seek a way to get the chicks to green grass? I read that...
  15. Alexandra Runner

    How do you...?

    Okay, here's your picture:
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