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  1. Clucktown

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    I believe you are permitted to shoot any dog that pursues or threatens your livestock and/or poultry. I would definitely share that with your trespassing neighbor.
  2. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    Yes and yes. She is not eating much, but this is the first time her poop hasn't been a normal color. I remember when I took a B vitamin, my pee turned a florescent yellow. Sorry, probably TMI.
  3. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    I gave the Polish hen, Meghan, the vitamin e and b complex at 3:00. When I came home a short time ago, I found her poop is now a pea green color and watery. Not the bright, fluorescent green like when the are malnourished. Could the vitamins have this effect? We got her off the roost and...
  4. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    Thank you for the input. I do not recall anything new, but I wondered the same and threw out the bag of feed I was using last week to be on the safe side. The manufacture date on the 10 pound bag Dumor chick starter was older that I would have liked, May 30, 2023, but it was all they had in...
  5. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    These are my last 2 hens! The others from my initial flock of 9 have all passed in recent years. I will not separate them. They come into the house most nights to sleep in a dog crate with a roost my husband constructed. I truly would never have even considered Marek's a possibility if it...
  6. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    Thank you. Yes, unfortunately, the hatchery would not vaccinate bantam chicks 10 years ago. The option was only given for full size chicks. Hopefully, this has changed.
  7. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    Thank you - her crop was actually empty in that video. I know what you mean, though, she used to do the yawning back when she would gorge herself with food and water. She now does it throughout the day even when her crop is totally empty. Can they catch Marek's from wild birds or is it...
  8. Clucktown

    10 1/2 year old hens both experience sudden partial paralysis

    My 2 remaining 10.5 year-old bantam hens are both presenting with sudden, partial paralysis. A little over 2 weeks ago, my Polish hen began limping. It quickly progressed so that she no longer was able to use her left leg and can only hop on the other. She spends much of her time lying down...
  9. Clucktown

    Hen suddenly very sick. Chalky white/yellow discharge, bad smelling vent. Other details provided, please help

    Years ago I dosed my hen with part of a vaginal yeast infection suppository. What is used as a source for clotrimazole currently?
  10. Clucktown

    Can someone help me with bumblefoot? PIC WARNING

    Yes, sounds like two areas of infection. I would wrap with a donut splint and allow the 2nd one to work its way out.
  11. Clucktown

    Can someone help me with bumblefoot? PIC WARNING

    Could be more than one pocket of infection, so 2 kernels. I thoght you noticed 2 scaps?
  12. Clucktown

    Can someone help me with bumblefoot? PIC WARNING

    I would try the donut splint. This was how my hen's foot was. Could never squeeze anything out because it was an encapsulated kernel. Even a month of Baytril did nothing to help.
  13. Clucktown

    Can someone help me with bumblefoot? PIC WARNING

    Possibly. Appears to be healing. Does it feel like there is a hard kernel in the foot when palpitated?
  14. Clucktown

    Can someone help me with bumblefoot? PIC WARNING

    After a month of Baytril and several attempts at bumble foot surgery as well as countless hours of soaking, I took my hen to the vet. Below link describes how I finally cured her. My pics of splint are in link below..............
  15. Clucktown

    HELP!!! My hens really bad off!!!

    She was beautiful. I am so very sorry.
  16. Clucktown

    ISA Brown, 3rd Summer, Heading for a Natural Death?

    My daughter has said much of the same when one of our hens became sick. Basically, who are we to decide? Maybe she wants to spend more time with her flockmates? I then realized that it was painful for me to watch the decline and was making the decision based on the desire to relieve my distress.
  17. Clucktown

    Lethargic Chicken?

    How is your hen?
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