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  1. JacinLarkwell

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Not really the same thing, but it did remind me, my brother works at Walmart and they have employee discounts (I think for 'nonessential items' is what they say) and the discount covers sugary and junk food items, but not meats or fresh produce. Employees (at least at his store last I heard him...
  2. JacinLarkwell

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    We only have actual green grass for about a month and a half out of the year where I live, and the rest of the year they need to be almost exclusively supplimented We think they get so excited and know it will go away quickly and just gorge themselves on it.
  3. JacinLarkwell

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    My girl has learned if she body or head slams the bird stalls long enough, it'll pop open and she can go and ear all their feed. Freaking goat
  4. JacinLarkwell

    new research debunks trad views on nutrition

    Absolutely. Sheep are worse though. We can't even let them graze in the spring because they will actually eat too much grass when it's green and actually tasty.
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