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  1. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Hope so!
  2. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    After dark last night... :love
  3. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I hope so, too.
  4. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Around the coop today... Zacchaeus! I pulled carrots this morning, brought the greens into the run. Even the May chicks were grabbing beakfuls, everyone but Zack. I took a couple carrot greens stalks over to where he was perched, on the back of my chair. He watched me carefully, not sure about...
  5. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Actually, both do it, but the Sussex are a little smaller, so better at slipping through! :lol:
  6. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

  7. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I've had cats my whole life. I never trust them. Nor dogs. They will do what is part of their nature.
  8. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I have tried doing that, but the hens, being bantams, can squeeze themselves between the (slightly) open door and the frame, then slide under the door. Stinkers! That kitty is Wisp, and while she looks white (with beeutiful blue eyes) she has dilute flame point Siamese markings on her nose and...
  9. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Hidey hole ⬆️ The May chicks are using the adult waterers, yippee! They're hopping up on the tire to access two of the cups on the bucket waterer. I've already removed the chick feeders, I can remove the chick waterers once I am sure they're all able to drink from both of the adults' waterers...
  10. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Nothing cuter than a chick.
  11. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Girls...I want at least three. I might keep a boy, as backup for Zack. I kept two with Joel and Samuel, no issues.
  12. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    How are your bunches coming along?
  13. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Chick Candids Green Snake came into the coop, they DO NOT LIKE IT. But one of the Dominiques finally got up the courage to return from the back of the coop and forage in the weeds I'd brought (mostly crabgrass).
  14. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Rahab is trying to get her bunch up on the roost. She flew up to the wheelbarrow, called them, and two attempted to follow her. One was able, the other couldn't quite get that high. So she hopped down. It was fun to watch.
  15. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! Boy or Girl? #1 Purple #2 Lime #3 Yellow (boy) #4 Pink (BOY!) #5 Aqua #6 Blue In my unlearned opinion, I believe it's 50/50. :oops:
  16. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I mowed part of the backyard when I got home from work... Happy hens, and chicks! Preening! Like momma, like... ...daughter? :eek: Looks like a cockerel stance... :he
  17. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I had a bit of a scare today. I went out to the coop to freshen the waterers and gather eggs. I counted seven hens, and six chicks...but no Zacchaeus! I looked underneath the nests, the A-frame roost, the wheelbarrow, nothing. I was getting upset, wondering what had happened to him. I started...
  18. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Who said that the two broodies would probably nest together at one point? :eek: When I saw the chicks' heads hanging out I didn't know both hens and six chicks were compressed into one small nesting box! I realized it after I looked at the picture. Whether or not warranted, I was concerned for...
  19. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Busy day today for the flock. I decided to remove the dog crate brooder, as it makes the hoop coop feel crowded. Tamar was only using it at night, and Rahab has moved her bunch into a nesting box for sleep. Boy did they enjoy the space, the uncovered dirt, AND the flake of straw I tossed down...
  20. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Last night I went out to the coop before full dark. Zack was on the A-frame roost, on one of the "steps" that's about 3' off the ground. As I approached I heard him make little nervous noises but I walked past without noticing him, though I spoke softly. After checking the wheelbarrow for eggs...
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