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  1. B_Chickle01

    Oxytetracycline at local TSC?!

    Bahahaha I hear that. I'm also a fellow migraine sufferer! And I’ve been getting them almost every day now for a few weeks. (Assuming weather change?) Yeah, it’s odd because they do not even have them listed anymore on their website, let alone say they have a few in store. You’re lucky! Do...
  2. B_Chickle01

    Oxytetracycline at local TSC?!

    Actually, literally EVERY single one of those you listed actually falls under the law. Which is why I’m confused. This expiration date is for 2025. How are expiration dates determined after it’s made, sold to businesses, and then sold to customers? My other LA200 and those others I purchased...
  3. B_Chickle01

    Oxytetracycline at local TSC?!

    So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how in the hell TSC in Massachusetts had oxytetracycline on their shelves (in store) and allowed me to purchase it without an RX from a vet! My mind is blown right now. Is Massachusetts exempt from that law or something?Or did I just get super lucky...
  4. B_Chickle01

    Question on Canker and treatment

    Ok So I was hoping all you knowledgeable people could help me understand this… Quick back story that led me up to this point.. There was a group discussion between me and few others on Canker and treatments… Some one then offered up treatment advice that has been apparently “well known”(I never...
  5. B_Chickle01

    Chicks have balls of poop stuck to their feet...what should i do???

    Just saw this post was from years ago but thought I’d add my comment for people searching on same issue. The plier method is SOOO much easier and faster. You don’t squeeze hard. You gently squeeze on each side of the ball and then it pulls right off.
  6. B_Chickle01

    Black Paint chick with white tips on wings

    He is also a paint. I had purchased blacks from paint pen to breed but they both died at arrival from shipping.
  7. B_Chickle01

    Black Paint chick with white tips on wings

    So I had a question about paints… My paint silkie hatched some chicks and I have one thats all black with a couple white feathers on tips of its wings. Its almost like a reverse paint?! Is this normal? Also how long can it take for their feet to fully blacken? The colors been making its way down...
  8. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    Thank u for taking time to respond!!
  9. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    So is each hatchery different as to which breeds they mix for their EE? What are the typical breeds used when breeding EEs? Legbar and what else? Or is there really not a standard mix they tend to breed together? Idk if that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time articulating 😖
  10. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    Do all legbars have the crest? Or the “mohawk” as I like to call it lol
  11. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    Thank u so much for ur response and the link in telling the difference. This breed is new to me so it’s much appreciated! I read that hatchery sold “Americanas” as they spell it are not true Ameraucanas and are in fact EE. But, again, this breed is foreign to me so wanted some insight and knew...
  12. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    I’ve seen like a blush pink eggs they’ve laid as well. Not mine but others. Thank you so much! I didn’t believe them to be Ameraucana’s thats why I wanted someone else to confirm! What would you say these EEs are bred with? I have other EEs as well he bought the same time as these ones and I...
  13. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    Question… I’m new to this breed. My fiancé surprised me with chickens for Mother’s Day and was told they were Ameraucana‘s. Are the two in this photo really Ameraucana’s or no? TIA for taking the time to respond!
  14. B_Chickle01

    Rats 😖

    Omg I would of died! They thankfully were only around the coops which is a good distance from my house: that was bad enough! We never used any poison we just used the spring traps and bucket traps my fiancé had made awhile ago for mice he made some for the rats and then just did rat control like...
  15. B_Chickle01

    Rats 😖

    Thanks so much! We thankfully eliminated all rats shortly after this post!
  16. B_Chickle01

    Emergency 🚨

    I’m not sure if this is posted under the correct topic I apologize if its not. With that being said..So it was on my Fb BYC group that I heard about(for the first time) a couple days ago of a chick dying from strangulation from mama hens feathers! I just lost my first chick to this! I know that...
  17. B_Chickle01

    Paint Silkie

    I read that and that was what I thought initially. Until someone else said its leakage. The sun I thought can turn white colored birds more yellowish than brassy like him? Is there any way to get rid of this brassy color if it is from the sun and not leakage? Other than keeping him out of the sun.
  18. B_Chickle01

    Paint Silkie

    I have a question! I don't know a lot about breeding and genetics I’ve only read a little about it.. but I have 3 8month old paint silkies. My Roo just started to show Khaki leakage(which I read is more likely to happen with males if I remember correctly) is it normal at this age for it to...
  19. B_Chickle01

    Black with white spot silkie?

    Same! A friend of mine ordered paint eggs from a local reputable breeder and ended up with a black chick with quite a lot of white feathering.
  20. B_Chickle01

    Sour Crop

    Ohh ok got cha. I have Marek’s in my flock and this is one that had Dry Pox. Could any of these cause that as well? Im just confused. She was ok and just died within 10mins!
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