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  1. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    My littluns are feathering in, just over 2 weeks old and sweet. I saw the cat photo bomb too, she's pretty.
  2. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Still too early to tell, so therefore still all girls. Except maybe Pink...
  3. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Like the best laying spot, the best resting spot is the one that someone else is already occupying.
  4. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I bet it's a lot quieter around your place now, having that many hormonal teenagers can really raise a ruckus
  5. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    My favorite part of having a broody hen is those little faces peeking out from the feathers. And also not having to take care of chicks :D
  6. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Just go on your instinct, and don't look back. These things need to be done, not the best part of chicken keeping but definitely a part.
  7. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Girls of course!
  8. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    5 little cuties. 2 eggs pipped but not hatched. All girls of course! I think the first 2 might both be boys :(
  9. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Hatch day here, one out and two pipped :fl
  10. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I've had SS boys sneak in under the radar until they were surprisingly old :hmm
  11. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    We feed our adult chickens a wide variety of foods, including our leftovers. However, complicated to digest, nutritionally unbalanced foods like cheese may not be a great early food for chicks. Their digestive tracts are not really ready for much of a challenge. Even things like grapes, high in...
  12. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Looks fine. So happy you had a decent hatch from shipped eggs. I also had one that pipped that did not progress, died in the egg.
  13. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Chick Hatch Football
  14. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    You say Tamar was off the nest - were the eggs cold? You might consider putting all of them under the other hen, they may still hatch if properly sat upon
  15. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Here's a pair of overachievers that we saw on our walk this morning - 23!
  16. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    My sister went to set up her brooder the other day, looked inside and found this: 25 eggs! :gig She had it covered but there was a little 4x4 opening top and this little girl could squeak in. She candled and didn't see any development. So she gave her the warmest 10 and took the rest away.
  17. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    They love being outside in the grass and the Sun
  18. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I have them in a large cardboard box at my office. I would put them in my small coop but I have eggs in the incubator and I'm hoping to put everybody in together if any hatch, so I'm just going to keep them down there until hopefully that happens. They have a heat plate, and I use puppy pads for...
  19. 1muttsfan

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Happily catching ants, scared by big noises and they come running up and get underneath me like I'm a hen 😆
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