fuzzi's Chicken Journal


Happily catching ants, scared by big noises and they come running up and get underneath me like I'm a hen šŸ˜†
I have them in a large cardboard box at my office. I would put them in my small coop but I have eggs in the incubator and I'm hoping to put everybody in together if any hatch, so I'm just going to keep them down there until hopefully that happens. They have a heat plate, and I use puppy pads for bedding.
I have no room in my house, no garage, no place inside for brooding. It's one reason I went with outside brooding last year.

The main reason I would prefer a broody finish the job is that I cannot squat or kneel without difficulty, pain, and getting down on the ground to reach inside the brooder is a major challenge. It was great that Martha handled all the details this time.

I think Rahab will get first dibs on any incubator eggs that hatch, as Tamar isn't consistent about sitting on all the eggs. She's big enough to cover all six, but sloppy about doing it. Today she'd allowed one to roll away and cool down, again. Rahab has been sitting on the faux eggs for about a week, has the glassy-eyed stare down pat, and seems to be devoting herself wholly to The Cause :gig
I have no room in my house, no garage, no place inside for brooding. It's one reason I went with outside brooding last year.

The main reason I would prefer a broody finish the job is that I cannot squat or kneel without difficulty, pain, and getting down on the ground to reach inside the brooder is a major challenge. It was great that Martha handled all the details this time.

I think Rahab will get first dibs on any incubator eggs that hatch, as Tamar isn't consistent about sitting on all the eggs. She's big enough to cover all six, but sloppy about doing it. Today she'd allowed one to roll away and cool down, again. Rahab has been sitting on the faux eggs for about a week, has the glassy-eyed stare down pat, and seems to be devoting herself wholly to The Cause :gig
Oh, and Rahab doesn't take šŸ’© from any other member of the flock. Tamar is low girl in the pecking order.

We'll see, if any hatch successfully.
My sister went to set up her brooder the other day, looked inside and found this:
View attachment 3836382
25 eggs! :gig
She had it covered but there was a little 4x4 opening top and this little girl could squeak in.

She candled and didn't see any development. So she gave her the warmest 10 and took the rest away.
Where there's a will...

I read an article here on BYC about a hen who tried to hatch something like 25 eggs.
Hannah is still being a šŸ’©

I check my coop every night at dark, and again I saw the Dominiques on the A-frame roost. Hannah was in the middle of the main roost, preventing the Doms from hopping over. She also was staring at Martha and her chicks but not doing anything. I moved Hannah to the far right again and moved the Doms to the middle of the main roost.

Hannah was always cozying up to the rooster, first Joel and then Samuel. Whenever I checked the roost at night, there she was snuggled up close to the boys. I think she misses having a male. With Rahab gone broody, off the roost at night, the flock structure has been altered again.

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