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  1. M

    Is it possible to feather/wing sex 2.5 week old chick?

    1. Where did you get the bird? Egg laid by one of my five hens, sired by my rooster, Nightshade. Hatched June 8-9, 2024. 2. Are they from a feed store, hatchery, or breeder? Rooster and one hen from breeder, three hens from feed store. 3. If you bought them from a hatchery, which breeds did...
  2. M

    Hume Habitat Hatch-a-long Journey

    Hi there, my name is Meg and my young flock has recently had a few additions, and I'm hopeful of a few more in the near future. I grew up around chickens and some poultry, but am pretty new to keeping my own flock. My flock is made up of barnyard mix 2 yo rooster, Nightshade, barnyard mix 2 yo...
  3. M

    Chick wounded, possible early hatch with unabsorbed yolk

    Any help appreciated! 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Standard Chicken, small-size hatchling 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargic. 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? I found an in-progress hatch...
  4. M

    Odds of survival on prolonged staggered hatch with broody (Small flock)

    My trouble maker momma and the biddies so far. I am in a pickle. Some background: I currently have a small flock of four hens and a rooster (Nightshade). My roo and one of my hens (Lavender) are 2+ years old, and were raised to 20 weeks free ranging with their flock before I got them. In...
  5. M

    Update: Broody sat overnight, two more hatching today

    The broody is below in the run with the now three days old chick, and does not seem interested in the peeps from the hatchlings. The broody and other hens have pecked at the shells, but don't seem to have hurt the chicks. I was hoping the hatch momma, Lovey, would raise the chicks? What are the...
  6. M

    Early hatch by broody

    Hi friends. Today, I had the surprise of a lifetime. I opened up the nesting box to check on my broody hen, and what do I see? I day old white chick. Everything I know about chickens is a lie. I let her start sitting on some eggs laid on May 25th. Several of those early eggs were broken or very...
  7. M

    Hen cannot stand or pull legs under herself >24hrs

    One of my year old Black sex-links seemed to have disappeared, but she was buried alive by flock. I found her and an egg partially buried in a corner of the run on day 2 or 3. She was lethargic, but took water when offered, then ate an egg yolk after encouragement. I gave Sav-a-chick...
  8. M

    Can you overfeed chicks?

    Hello all, it's the chook spoiler again. :lol: I've added six day-old black sex-link chicks to my flock, my first go with chicks. They are now 3 weeks old and one is 2 weeks (Had to get a replacement for a failure to thrive), and I have been feeding them granulated start & grow at about 2-3 cups...
  9. M

    Chickens almost exclusively eating scratch

    My birds are about 25 weeks and are now almost exclusively eating scratch. They were free ranged and got scratch and kitchen scraps before I got them at 16 weeks, and are now mostly penned to the run. When I got them I had them on medicated flock raiser, and they did not seem to care whether it...
  10. M

    Heat lamp for 25+ week old flock and molt

    I'm a first time flock owner in the Northern part of Clermont co, in SW Ohio on the west side of Harsha Lake; the Almanac is calling for a cold, long Winter but we probably will not get much snow. My birds are about 25 weeks now (Australorp-Orpington and possibly other breeds), and I got them...
  11. M

    Help me select 7-8 week old females?

    Please read entire post- I am asking about what traits help you identify gender between 6-8 weeks of age. The local breeder I got my birds from has 7-8 week old birds available, I would like to pick up a few more females but at this age I'm not great at sexing and neither is she. They are...
  12. M

    Stealth Rooster?

    I have six ~21 week old Australorp Orpington crosses, and I know neither breed was intended to be feather sexed, so how can I be sure? I'm 99.9% sure one of my birds is a roo due to feathers and behavior, and much less sure about one of the others because the feathers are much blunter and...
  13. M

    Nice to meet you! Feels like I've known you forever!

    Hello, I'm Meg and I think I've been reading as a background lurker since at least 2010 on and off. A friend and I have found this or similarly named community many times over the years as we dreamed about our future flock, and here I am, finally with birds of my own! :yesss: I grew up around...
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