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  1. sals_chicks

    First coop build!

    Very cool!! Looking great so far, how exciting!!
  2. sals_chicks

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I am doing some level of "cleaning" on the daily, but for the most part, I am changing out the bedding every couple months (or as needed) and doing a "deep clean" twice a year in the spring and fall.
  3. sals_chicks

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I am still here too!! 2 years in with my flock & still loving it every day! Survived another New England winter, and everyone is doing great and looking forward to having green grass to scratch around in soon!
  4. sals_chicks

    molt questions (our first real molt)

    Hi All, I am in my second fall with my OG hens, and most of them went through some form of a molt, but a couple of them went through a HARD molt. From what I observed, it was a textbook hard molt for both these girls with all the usual signs... pin feathers came in, and slowly they have...
  5. sals_chicks

    Sal's New England Chick Condo

    Time for another update!! Long overdue - a LOT has changed!! The OG flock and I survived our first winter together unscathed, complete with 3 arctic blasts, and a lot of snow! The few times it dipped down to -40F for a few days, the ladies came inside the basement to a makeshift coop, and...
  6. sals_chicks

    Are mink a daytime threat?

    We are certainly seeing an uptick of predator activity in our backyard these days, so far a family of foxes and a couple curious raccoons have been caught on my cameras... However yesterday around dusk while I was out in the run doing some poo-scraping I think I saw a MINK hanging around, my...
  7. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    Climate change is only going to make things more extreme!!
  8. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    ...depending on how you look at it. 😂 The panels work great! My birds have endured 2 arctic blasts of sub-zero temps (one getting as low as -33*F) with crazy winds, and many snow storms without any issues. For those that suggested I was creating a greenhouse, I regret to inform you that the...
  9. sals_chicks

    Egg appreciation photo thread?

    @Offshoreorca oh my goodness - the eggs are stunning, and the flowers too!! 😍😍
  10. sals_chicks

    Egg appreciation photo thread?

    If you have some beautiful/artsy photos of your eggs, share them here? My chickens have only been laying a little over 6 weeks now, but I still cant get over how beautiful and perfect their eggs are! Here are a few of my faves I've taken over the last few weeks. I keep thinking the novelty of...
  11. sals_chicks

    trough waterers and frostbite?

    I live in a super cold northeastern climate, so in prep for winter I bought a couple of these heated trough waterers... They've been working great, the chickens are happy. However, I saw a tiktok the other day about how these style waterers can increase the risk for frostbite as your hens are...
  12. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    Well, the final large panel is installed on my chicken murder greenhouse, and I honestly could not be happier with it. Although we originally thought we might need coverage over at least part of the door/gable side of the run, we actually don't think we do. So that whole side remains open, and...
  13. sals_chicks

    Sal's New England Chick Condo

    It has been a couple months, so it's time for another update!! This update is all about the EGGS!!! After weeks of checking an empty nesting box - we had our FIRST egg, on 10/20/22! A beautiful tiny light brown, almost pink egg from our Lavender Orp, Eloise! Since then, she has been giving...
  14. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    I’m very glad yours works for you. Mine will also work. I can adjust mine to be open or closed depending on weather and needs. Just because I did something different doesn’t make it wrong. ❤️
  15. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    Yes. It was an intentional decision to make it go all the way up. I am guessing you dont live somewhere where snow blows sideways during some of the storms? :) Fortunately, we engineered these so that they can be "released" from the top half, and folded down, any time we want, with very...
  16. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    Ventilation (or lack thereof) is a sort of key element of creating a greenhouse, no? You have to trap the air in order to warm it, right? How a greenhouse works (according to google): glass or plastic sheeting are used to allow light to enter the structure where they are absorbed by the...
  17. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    YES!! This! "One Season" materials is what we want to avoid too! We all should be thinking this way with every decision we make. 🙌🙌🙌
  18. sals_chicks

    Prepping for our first long New England winter - DIY tarps

    As would I. If you had read more carefully you would see that I do not intend to create a greenhouse. :). Please see my signature line for more details. :)
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