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  1. StinkyAcres

    Red Heaven Chicken Spa & Resort

    If all of them can fit on the top roost all of them will sleep there. Chickens almost always use the highest roost for roosting and the rest for getting up and down. I, personally, don't like to make my roosts more than about 3 feet off the ground because if you've ever heard a full size...
  2. StinkyAcres

    Finishing up my first run/coop for a new chicken keeper - Advice?

    I have an idea. Since the roof appears to have no purlins - How do you feel about replacing the roof with one that has long overhangs and open vented soffits?
  3. StinkyAcres

    Finishing up my first run/coop for a new chicken keeper - Advice?

    Definitely needs as much ventilation as you can squeeze in there. But I'm not sure how to get enough in this situation. With such a small space, too many birds for the space, and minimal ventilation it could cause condensation inside on the metal roof which would be very bad. Insulation on...
  4. StinkyAcres

    Who here has chickens for pets?

    Mine are pets, "useful" pets as they provide more than just entertainment. So are my ducks. I currently have an 8-year-old hen who doesn't lay anymore and I have no plans of culling.
  5. StinkyAcres

    Chronic coughing hen/exhausted every treatment/heart disease?

    I've had two animals with suspected congestive heart failure - a dog and a goat. Neither were treated for it (both were seen by a vet regularly) and both lived years after we noticed symptoms (both coughed a lot and the dog had seizures). They didn't seem to be in much distress until they...
  6. StinkyAcres

    Chronic coughing hen/exhausted every treatment/heart disease?

    I wonder if she has congestive heart failure. Does she cough more when she's lying down?
  7. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    That is a pretty major crack! I'm glad you can use it in the painting. You might want to switch brands, although I've used Apple Barrel and had no issues like that. And a good way to introduce yourself to professional paints is by getting only black and white. The craft paint and...
  8. StinkyAcres

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I love those! What variety are they?
  9. StinkyAcres

    🖌Community Art Nook🖌

    Pictures? That has never happened to me. I wonder if it was applied too thickly on a loose canvas. I work in very thin layers with professional paints on good quality canvases. What brand paint and canvas are you using?
  10. StinkyAcres

    What do y’all use on the run floor? Why?

    I just started using playground pine chips that are "ASTM certified" and "100% all natural." Really liking it so far.
  11. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    The fact that I can feel the muscles around her knee pop into place and she is totally fine afterwards has me thinking it's her kneecap. I also had a dog with injured cruciate ligaments and she could barely get up, stand, and walk and would tap her back feet on the floor while she stood still...
  12. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾's what I get for adopting a BYB Boston... I know a vet visit would be a good idea but I'm very reluctant to take her right now. If the exercises don't help then I will take her in. The thought of having surgery done on my Dorie really scares me... 😢
  13. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    Thanks! How often did it happen? It's happening to Dorie multiple times per day right now and she's in a lot of pain before I massage it. That's a good idea, thanks! I heard swimming was good too so I'll be looking for a good place to try that with her.
  14. StinkyAcres

    enrichment in run?

    A large feed pan works as well. You can even just dump some sandy dirt in the corner.
  15. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    Great, thanks! Yeah, that has been the biggest challenge for us.
  16. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    No, she is 19 pounds.
  17. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    I don't think it's that much. She gets a cup and 1/3 a day. So more like 180mg a day...if my math is correct..
  18. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    I have a dog who is reactive to dogs and masculine people. We have not been able to stop it. Have you tried parallel walking? That's what I want to do with Luna but we can't find another dog owner who is willing to do that with us. And the trainer we contacted didn't show up after she said...
  19. StinkyAcres

    Dog thread!🐾

    I don't know. This is the amount in her food: Glucosamine - Not less than 1,200 mg/kg Chondroitin Sulfate - Not less than 1,200 mg/kg
  20. StinkyAcres

    enrichment in run?

    They should have a place to dustbathe. I use a kiddie pool filled with sand/dirt. They will like the perches, but chickens spend most of their time on the ground foraging (including scratching/digging in the litter for things to eat), sunbathing, and dustbathing.
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