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  • Users: Cherterr
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  1. Cherterr

    What The????

    Long story I’ll try to make it short: my five production Reds free range in the afternoons. One was missing when I put them up -thorough search twice by me, two more times by a friend -no chicken. Good news: she’s back this morning, but acting weird. She doesn’t seem injured and can get up...
  2. Cherterr

    Chick Adoption to Hen broody & on Eggs only 3 days??

    (All Silkies): Chick hatched 15 hours ago and it's looking like an 'only'. Unrelated Hen went broody 3 days ago and is now sitting on what is Probably unfertilized eggs. (Rooster young, and 15 other eggs didn't develop!) If I candle eggs tonight, and discover no development veins and I...
  3. Cherterr

    A little bloody @ pip

    Is this a problem? All seems well otherwise.
  4. Cherterr

    The Saga of 'Peepers', the Lone Hatchling (Video!)

    My 1st ever hatch of two eggs a few years ago, cost me several months of trying to 're wild' "Peepers' to the flock.. Here's a video of 'our' experience. Hope you enjoy, The Saga of Peepers. :) (There's even a 'shout out' to BYC!)
  5. Cherterr

    Humidity Help with Hatcher Incubator

    I'm having a humidity issue. I'm trying to get it stable for 3 day lockdown... Friday! (It IS supposed to rain overnight So. TX, so I'm hoping that and my dehumidify setting on AC fixes this)... BUT: My (secondary) incubator I want to use JUST TO HATCH 4 little eggs will NOT go below 88%...
  6. Cherterr

    "Loner" Hen??

    I got 7 RI Red henss about a month ago, around 5 mos. old. From the beginning, one of them was always kind of a 'loner' and seemed a bit 'dumber' than the others? YESTERDAY when I went out to lock and feed, she was no where to be found.. but finally turned up behind the tarp covered hay bales...
  7. Cherterr

    Stagger Hatching??

    I have ONE incubator w/28 holes. Currently, there are 4 Silkie eggs with 10 days left. I ALSO have 6 newly collected Silkie eggs that need to go INTO the incubator. If I DO that... ?? Will the extra humidity at 3 day lockdown mess them up? ??? So many questions.. HAS ANYONE done this? What...
  8. Cherterr

    Silkie size hatching eggs in a Regular size turning tray?

    Are there any potential Problems with putting Silkie eggs in a regular size turning tray? Thanks! (And.. I really Did try to find this topic by 'searching'!:)
  9. Cherterr

    Collecting for Reintroduction to hen @ later time.. HELP

    New Silkies are starting to lay and egg #2 is out there.. #1 got ?? opened/eaten.. not sure if it was another hen.. SO.. My plan is grab the eggs, wait til I have a dozen or so, then put back in nest under broody Silkie. Any particular tips on the collecting/holding part of the process...
  10. Cherterr

    Rooster or Hen

    Aprix. 5 mos. Old. One of my 'hens' stretched out tall and flared all neck feathers at my Dauchshubd's approach outside fence. Di/Can HENS do that? I'm thinking no.??? Please help while bird is young enough to retun!! Lol Thanks
  11. Cherterr

    Should I mow it?

    The 'free range' area for my new flock of 7 RI Red hens (5mos) is very shaded, and has been mowed in the past. It is currently about 6-8 inches high with new spring growth and is varied natural weeds/grasses. I was going to mow it before turning them out for daily foraging... but began to...
  12. Cherterr

    Coop Review (TS Model)

    I just purchased this small coop from Tractor Supply : I had an orphaned Silkie chick who was terrified of the other chickens (as they were incubator babies) and it wanted ME to be it's 24/7 'mom'...
  13. Cherterr


    I just wanted to post a hearty Thanks to all the great forum members who offer so much help. Last week I frantically posted an ad on Craigslist to try and find a 'mom' for an orphaned Silkie who was driving me nuts! She was lonely as her last sibling had a sticky grass accident and didn't...
  14. Cherterr

    Opinions, Please..... Am I crazy or ??

    Are 'show chickens' more mellow? I picked up 10 baby chicks at a show this weekend, and have kept them all nice and cozy warm.. but.. They're just sooo sweet. Usually, chicks I've brooded act like I'm the 'blob' when I approach to feed or change water,, and FORGET petting!! lol These are my...
  15. Cherterr

    New Duck Mama - FINALLY!

    Okay.. I know chickens pretty good, and I've had a few ducks (long long ago) but... NOW I have just ordered my (always wanted) Runner Ducks; 2 F/1M. I am planning on putting them in my very fancy brooder, built into my coop (pics on here somewhere!:) with shavings, a heat lamp, and...
  16. Cherterr

    Anyone Done "Lasagna" Gardening style? Or other 'popular' book selling styles?

    In my never ending quest of impatience and thriftiness... (waiting on new place horror soil to develop as I keep tilling in goodies).... I just wondered if anyone here has tried that method or any other 'popular' book selling methods. (I myself and SOLD on Square Foot and done it a long time...
  17. Cherterr

    Mauled and Lethargic - Help Please

    I'm just not sure what to do or if I should leave 'well enough alone'. Last night one of my PR hens was mauled by my dog (Who up until NOW wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole - that darn Dachshund was probably the instigator). I caught then and stopped it before any skin was damaged...
  18. Cherterr

    Tragedy and Hope??

    ...any further. SO.. THIS MORNING... I go out.. she's sitting out of box and eggs are stone cold. (It was probably about 40 degrees last night.) *sigh* WELL.. not to be 'outdone' and depressed... I noticed (thank the Universe!) That another Silkie hen.. AND a Production Red hen are both...
  19. Cherterr

    Chicken Xmas.. "all I want for Christmas" IS.....

    New game thread.. . What is your ultimate Chicken thing to have/get? Remember that song "all i want for Christmas is my two front teeth:? This is what "I" want: Or something like it! :) NEXT???????????
  20. Cherterr

    'Schedule' egg laying???

    While my Silkie babies are learning to be chickens they have the run of the coop and the laying hens (3) are locked out and in the chicken yard. Their nest boxes where they usually lay, are IN the coop. Do you think they'll lay if I let them in there for 10 am to 2 pm? I just don't feel...
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