Rooster or Hen


10 Years
May 24, 2013
Lake Somerville, Texas
Aprix. 5 mos. Old. One of my 'hens' stretched out tall and flared all neck feathers at my Dauchshubd's approach outside fence. Di/Can HENS do that? I'm thinking no.???
Please help while bird is young enough to retun!! Lol
Aprix. 5 mos. Old. One of my 'hens' stretched out tall and flared all neck feathers at my Dauchshubd's approach outside fence. Di/Can HENS do that? I'm thinking no.???
Please help while bird is young enough to retun!! Lol
Please post pics of bird in question @Cherterr .
How long have you had this bird?
Yes females will do that. Post pictures. 5 months old will be obvious if its a cockerel or pullet.
Just this week.. But notmy first rodeo. ;)
Just wondered as you said you could take it back.
At 5 months it should be crowing if it's a male.
Saddle and hackle feathers should be all grown out too.
But pics would help if you're not sure.

Well... The guy SAID they were 'about 4 or 5 mos. old"... So.. it HAS been a while for me! lol (3 yrs. chicken-less!)
Hmm.. guess I'll still just have to wait and see. They all look very similar.. except my 2 suspicious ones... They WALK a little taller at times.. ( you know.. hens backs are flat); and their color actually seems a little more golden/lighter than neck feathers; their tails seem like they're not pointing straight out like a hen....

This thing this morning was full blow Rooster look/attack the dog mode. NO Crowing so far! I know..... it happens to the best of us sometimes.. lol

I don't really have any GOOD pics. They're just now starting to warm up to me and see me as the FOOD person! :)

The one pic I DO have.. I believe the Suspicious one is in foreground!
Notice the curved down tail feathers and his slightly Upward stance?!

They're ALSO Supposed to be RIRs.. but that one looks more like ?? Golden Sex Links?? (Never had any personal relationships with either breed.. so?? lol)
He/she ALSO has black tips on neck feathers..see??


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