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  1. Fallenone05

    Barred splash? Splash barred.

    Hello! I hatched a little cockerel 3, maybe 3.5 months ago. He's super, super pretty! I noticed today he's got some barring in his splash? Or maybe it's weird feather coloring since he's getting rid of teenager feathers for adult feathers? Grandpa and Grandma were Olive Egger, blue and silver...
  2. Fallenone05

    Injury or cooties?

    Today I noticed my little Queen walking sideways. At first I thought she was about to sprawl out in the sun but I noticed her eye is very wet. She isn't displaying any sneezing or sniffles, is walking around fine, but her eye is SUPER wet. Trying to get a good still image of her one handed was...
  3. Fallenone05

    Too late to fix?

    I purchased some silver appleyard ducks about a month ago. Both hens. One has the correct foot/leg development but the other has a really, really inward pointing foot. She has a healthy appetite and gets around decent. I've been feeding them this...
  4. Fallenone05

    Duck age for molting

    My Cayuga duck hens are approximately 8 months old and are losing their wing feathers. They have a healthy appetite, and someone or both of them, are laying an egg every day. I've been seeing that ducks do a fall molt but nothing I've seen says at what age they start the molt?? Just wondering if...
  5. Fallenone05

    Eggs soon...?

    I have three, 4 month old Cayugas. Hatched the day before Valentine's. Two hens and a drake. Today I saw my drake actually breed one of the hens. They did their little necking motion and he got on top of her and did the thing. She didn't fight or fuss and just let him. I feel like 4 months is...
  6. Fallenone05

    Color help

    Hello! I hatched some chicks and I have some questions about their coloration. The one on the left has hardly any feathers on the feet, cheeks like my EE hens and has black running down her legs and onto her toes. The feathers on the black spots are also black. My hens with beards are a blue...
  7. Fallenone05

    Sexing Cayugas

    Hello! So I've been seeing stuff on sexing Cayugas by their quacks but I don't understand what I'm listening for. They're 8 weeks old so just a few more weeks until my drakes get their curly-Qs in their tail feathers, but I'd like to know what I'm listening for when they quack. Here's a...
  8. Fallenone05

    When to move outside...

    I've got 5 ducklings about to hit 5 weeks. Their bellies are completely covered in regular feathers, their wings are covered in some feathers, along with splatches on their necks and faces. They still have quite a bit of down on their backs. Should I wait before moving them outside? They'll be...
  9. Fallenone05

    Wrinkly face

    Hey guys! I was given some duck eggs and hatched them. I was told they were Cayuga. They're about three weeks old, losing their baby fluff and gaining some real feathers. I've been letting them swim in the tub a few times a week to help get rid of the loose baby fluff and I've noticed some of...
  10. Fallenone05

    Duckling + duck feed

    Hello! I've been trying to find what I should be feeding ducklings and adult ducks. Ducklings, the general recommendation is non medicated chick starter. Ducks, all flock or something similar. I use this brand For my chicks and adult...
  11. Fallenone05

    I thought she was a Welsummer

    But not anymore. Today I was outside in the coop, and my hen here Got in the nest. She's from Atwood's - I know their breeds aren't 100% breeding standards, and she was in the Welsummer bin. I waited to see which of the dark brown eggs I've been getting is from here and lo and behold...
  12. Fallenone05

    Decisions, decisions..

    Hello! I'm struggling between making the choice between my current dominant rooster, and one of his sons. Pros of daddy rooster, Zamboni; Large Produces large children Carries olive egg gene CONS; Barring Can be juvenile aggressive (cockerels and pullets) I've seen him chase hens trying to...
  13. Fallenone05

    Seeking Salmon Faverolle chickens

    Hey guys! This post is for the future so I can keep tabs on it. Right now my flock has infectious bronchitis and I can't add anyone into my flock until next year, probably late summer or fall. I'm looking for Salmon Faverolle breeders who sell day old chicks somewhere near Poteau, OK, Fort...
  14. Fallenone05

    Respiratory Illness

    Hi guys! My chickens have come down with an illness. It started off with my Leghorn hen. It was 110F before the heat index and she was panting, sounded kind of gurgley. I didn't think too much of it because it's hot, even with a mister and a breeze. She started sneezing last week and doing this...
  15. Fallenone05

    Pullet or Cockerel

    As per my usual with some chicks i bounce back and forth on the fence if it's a girl or a boy. This one had me thinking male at first but now I'm not so sure. It has the same comb and wattle growth rate as my leghorn mix. It just grew its feathers out VERY slowly. Sorry it looks so possessed in...
  16. Fallenone05

    Cornish or EE? Male or female?

    Atwoods had these marked as Dark Cornish. They looked identical as chicks but not so much now. They'll be 8 weeks this Friday.
  17. Fallenone05

    Moving from incubator to broody hen

    One of my hens has committed to being broody. I have eggs that have 9 days left before hatch. Do you think she'll take them, brood them, and raise them when they hatch or will her biological clock tell her it hasn't been enough time? 🤔 If that question makes sense. Thank you!
  18. Fallenone05

    ISO Coturnix or A&M Quail

    Hi y'all! I am located in Leflore County, OK near Poteau and am looking for hatching eggs or hens for coturnix or A&M quail. I was gifted two hens and a male and I definitely need a couple more hens for him. Thank you!
  19. Fallenone05

    Little Giant incubator

    A gentleman is selling me his 42 egg Little Giant incubator with an Autoturner and fan. I'm curious about reviews on it since I've never used one. Any tips as well would be greatly appreciated! I currently have a Brinsea Mini 2 Advance that only holds 7 eggs so this is a big jump for me.
  20. Fallenone05

    Mystery Birds, the white lobes and the pure white eggs I've been finding. The other one has similar colors, but has a pea comb. Maybe just an Easter Egger? My pictures are blurry because both birds are *very* flighty and don't understand I'm just here to bring food and spoil them. 😂 Leghorn? Easter...
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