Injury or cooties?


8 Years
Oct 7, 2015
SE Oklahoma
Today I noticed my little Queen walking sideways. At first I thought she was about to sprawl out in the sun but I noticed her eye is very wet. She isn't displaying any sneezing or sniffles, is walking around fine, but her eye is SUPER wet. Trying to get a good still image of her one handed was rough.

She is lower on the pecking order. I have ducks in with them. Her eyeball is still in there.

Heeeelp 😭😭


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It is hard to know if she was pecked in the eye, gotten something in her eye or third eyelid/nictitating membrane, or has a respiratory or eye infection. Flushing her eye with some eyewash (Bausch and Lombs Eye Relief is good,) or some saline then wiping it clean would be good. Apply a small dab of Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin in the eye 2-3 times a day. Make sure that she can see her food and water or feed her a few times a day. Have you added any new birds recently who could be a carrier of MG or pinkeye?
It is hard to know if she was pecked in the eye, gotten something in her eye or third eyelid/nictitating membrane, or has a respiratory or eye infection. Flushing her eye with some eyewash (Bausch and Lombs Eye Relief is good,) or some saline then wiping it clean would be good. Apply a small dab of Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin in the eye 2-3 times a day. Make sure that she can see her food and water or feed her a few times a day. Have you added any new birds recently who could be a carrier of MG or pinkeye?
I have added a new rooster. He's been in the flock for about a week. Nobody else is displaying any symptoms or anything similar to what she has. While trying to catch her she rubbed her eye on her wings and scratched at it. It's hard to tell from the picture, but either she has scratched her eyelid by trying to itch it, or something else scratched it. They're itty bitty little red lines on her eyelid.
Be on the lookout for any other birds that develop eye issues, sneezing, eye bubbles, etc. Look for any lice or mites that could be causing itching. Let us know how cleaning the eye helps. If she seems to be getting sick, you may want to order some Tylosin which treats symptoms of MG. Here is a good place to find it:
Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days, and treat only sick birds.
Be on the lookout for any other birds that develop eye issues, sneezing, eye bubbles, etc. Look for any lice or mites that could be causing itching. Let us know how cleaning the eye helps. If she seems to be getting sick, you may want to order some Tylosin which treats symptoms of MG. Here is a good place to find it:
Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days, and treat only sick birds.
Thank you! Her energy level is still good. I had to rush back to work this afternoon and got her eye flushed out this evening, and gooped it with some antibiotic ointment. She fought me and grumped at me when I burrito'd her up in a towel to hold her. She also managed to get away from me for a few minutes but did not know what to do in the house. This is after flushing her eye + applying ointment. Her good eye has also been attached for comparison.


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Here's her eye this evening, before treating. She went out and ate grass with everyone this evening and had a good appetite when I put feed out in their feeder. I flushed it with saline again and put more antibiotic ointment on it.


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I would be pretty aggressively treating this twice a day, so that it doesn’t get worse. Wash the crusty drainage off the feathers with a damp wash cloth. I would probably go ahead and order Tylosin powder for the water from to treat for MG. Dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water, or 1/4 tsp per quart for 5 days. Here is a link:
Before and after treatment this morning. She can open her eye fully, but me trying to get pictures of her with a purpose and she won't. 🙄🙄🙄 It's not wet like it was, or dripping wet. It looks like it with the saline and antibiotic ointment but it's dry until treating.


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