
  1. I

    Help with roo leg injury

    Hi, I’ve been browsing this forum for a while and learned a lot about keeping chickens. Recently I saw my rooster limping a bit so i went to check the leg and found this strange injury, I don’t know how it happened since we don’t have any predators here and he doesn’t need to fight anyone. I...
  2. Jcarnahan

    Badly injured duck

    I need some advice. I’m able to handle most injuries with ducks but this one is bad. Our goose really tore apart one of my duck hens faces. She is secluded with water and I gave her a bath with some epson salts. I put blue cote on her injuries however it so bad I can see her skull and some...
  3. crunchygranola

    Helping a chicken with loneliness while in the henspital? **important**

    I have a hen that I had to pull from her flock to get her in the a.c. She squawks like crazy whenever I leave the room and gets really restless and uneasy and exerts herself physically. She’s taken a keen interest in a mirror I have on the ground (full length body mirror) and spends most of her...
  4. crunchygranola

    Is my hen sick or injured?

    I have a hen that is exhibiting some odd behavior. She used to be one of my most active and busy hens, but now, all she does is lay around. When she gets up, she kind of stumbles a bit and her wings go out— when she walks, she’s a little slow and almost waddles kind of wide-legged. Any ideas...
  5. S

    Earlobe Injury

    I noticed my 17 week old hen had an injured earlobe with a strand of skin hanging off. Immediately I separated her, cleaned it, and sprayed chicken antibiotics on it. So I have two questions: How does my chicken hospital look? Is there anything I should do in regards to the strand of skin?
  6. ThatOnePotato

    Hunch back chicken after heatstroke and possible attack from dog

    About 5 days ago one of our chickens got out of the coop and she didnt have water for what we think atleast 2 hours. I check on the chickens every few hours and I see her laying in the shade under a bush panting like crazy so I take her inside to cool off and give her some icy honey water. Of...
  7. B

    Injured baby chick. What to do now?

    We had a hen go broody and we let her keep the eggs. Unfortunately they did not all hatch at the same time so once the first one become mobile she left the remaining eggs in the nest. She’s been a great mama raising her single chick. We opted to keep them with the flock and mama won’t let any of...
  8. knowvagale

    Help! Badly Injured Pigeon Sole Survivor of Loft Massacre

    If this title reads like a clickbait article that's because I really need people to click on it. Paragraph three for the actual problem. Paragraph 1 for the dramatic retelling where I self flagellate for perpetuating this disaster. It started last Monday, when I walked outside to feed the birds...
  9. C

    There’s something wrong with my 10 week old chick

    My 10 week old lavender Orpington has been off the last 3ish days. I checked her feet, legs, back feathers, vent and felt as best as i could around her and i don’t see anything visibly wrong with her. She’s been acting lame, not walking long and then laying down, kinda limping at times, a bit...
  10. Barkerbunch4

    Please help with injuries!

    Our pet duck got attacked by something. Her webbing is torn and she has a bone exposed. She also has some kind of chest wound. I think plan on soaking her and giving her some antibiotic spray. But I really don’t know what to do about the foot.
  11. T

    Not an immediate emergency- pulled feathers and possible abcess? Pictures

    Does anyone know what could have happened here? Did he pull his own feathers or were they pulled by his coopmates? Our chickens are about 10 weeks old and we are pretty sure this one is the rooster, so we'd be especially surprised if the coopmates pecked him. Our chickens are on a remote hobby...
  12. T

    Chicken with missing neck and bum feathers

    Hey all, I got this lavender Orpington in December 2023, she’s around 1.5-2 years old and laying great. When I got her, they said she moulted and never grew feathers back. I did watch another chicken peck at her neck but I got no peck spray and that stopped. I’ve tried Epsom salt baths, I...
  13. S

    Chicken died this morning under confusing circumstances. Any help?

    My poor little lady Honey disappeared about 3 days ago, and we thought she had died. My other chicken, Pumpkin, had been with her, and she was in the small patch of trees behind our house, screaming for help. I ran up there to help, and she came out of the trees clearly upset about something...
  14. crunchygranola

    My hen isn’t opening her one eye

    This morning when I let my chickens out of their run, I noticed one of my most active chickens, Babygirl, stayed behind in a corner of her coop. I opened it up and started talking to her, when she started squeaking helplessly and looked at me— one of her eyes wasn’t open. She seemed very scared...
  15. F

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I’m new to chicken keeping and found my hen with this terrible wound on her side. She is very bald due to feather picking/ over grooming. I believe the rooster mounted her and sliced her with his spur when he couldn’t hold on due to lack of feathers. I am going to flush with peroxide and apply...
  16. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  17. ElGoose

    Gosling can’t walk suddenly

    Really worried as I came outside to check on the goslings only to see that one of them can’t walk. It seems to be one foot that it can’t fully stand on, I’ve checked it all over and I can’t see any injury and he doesn’t flail or act in pain when I touch or move any part of it and it all seems to...
  18. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Speckled Sussex with Small Gash on Bottom, Red Skin, & Missing Feathers

    I have a Speckled Sussex hen, named Brynn, that is almost 10 months old. She weighs 5 lbs. 11.5 oz. About two months ago she began to lose feathers on her bum (my other SS also lost her bum feathers). Those feathers haven't grown back yet. I made a post when the problem originally happened and...
  19. Chickensrule69

    yolk sac popped help!

    we just let a first time broody hen raise a batch of chicks. when i walked into the house today i saw a pile of egg shell and i looked around and saw a chick his/her yolk sac (i’m guessing that’s what it’s called…?) was popped a bit and his eyes shut he is a bit weak and can’t hold his head up...
  20. W

    Slipped tendon?

    This chick hatched about 8 hours ago. One of the legs is stuck up. It is trying to stand and cannot. Is there a way to fix this? The toes are all fully developed.
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