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  1. EggSighted4Life


    How are they doing today? Do you have them with a heat source?
  2. EggSighted4Life

    What Breed if this? BCM?

    Hello, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow There's no pic posted to consider playing the "guess my breed/gender" game. Age is also a useful detail. :pop
  3. EggSighted4Life


    Welcome to BYC! :frow They need enough of the treatment on board for their guts to feel well enough to eat anything. Have you been able to get treatment into them? What is the treatment being used/prescribed? What are you feeding? Hope your babies feel better and recover quickly. :fl
  4. EggSighted4Life

    Coccidiosis poop? Nothing but blood.

    No.. excessive cleaning is not required.. just keeping the bedding dry and the water poo free. These coccidia are in the gut of every chick/chicken.. out of the 9-11 strains currently known to effect poultry only 1-2 actually produce blood in the waste.. and this only during times of...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Stinky sand!

    I heavily invested in washed river sand.. only to discover that it's a giant stinking litter box with all the poo juice left behind EVEN though I sift poos out every day.. I HATE it! :sick It's also heavy to move and does not compost. Sweet PDZ makes a difference.. Droppings boards definitely...
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Coccidiosis poop? Nothing but blood.

    Yep, classic coccidiosis. and not every single poo may be bloody but treatment is still needed. I'd return her to the flock before she's got to work her way back into the pecking order.. and treat everyone. Being alone is depressing for chickens.. now that you've confirmed it's not an injury...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Drakes with chickens

    Were they raised together with and imprinted on the chickens or separately? Together and the same age/imprinted makes it a faster ticking time bomb than if they're not imprinted.. but yes, it's an accident waiting to happen and avoidable. Have you already tried your local craigslist, either...
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Sites that sell poultry

    My experience with ducks from this place was good.. Live birds, sexed correctly, and the breeds they were supposed to be.
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Trying to confirm if male or female.

    That was my thought also at first.. but Svart Hona is a probability, off the top of my head regarding chickens.
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Is this considered “barred”?

    Crested cream legbar crossed to something else. The barring will stay. Cute chicks! 🥰
  11. EggSighted4Life

    Hen Or Roo? I think it crowed this morning

    I agree with this statement! The sound is cockerel crowing.. I coudn't see the specific bird. Sometimes as early as 10 but usually around 12 weeks gender specific saddle feathers may be seen.. more flowing like the second pic around 16 weeks images from google.. More close to what a blue BCM...
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Hen Or Roo? I think it crowed this morning

    Upload to youtube or other media then link here. Looks like a pullet to me also.. but just blue not blue copper. If it was copper and also male then it's WAY missing it's proper coloring.. for informational purposes only.
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Finally cured my hen's pendulous crop, some tips

    It's very rare that I can appreciate people's magic remedies and fixes.. but what you shared here was very practical. Now I need to find the thread where someone else was describing essentially the same thing (pendulous grit) but not successful treating thus far with the standard...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    PLEASE HELP, chick infested with fleas!

    Permethrin is safe for use on chicks.. I've done it before.. using a cotton ball to apply.. never had to do baths.. just a bit under each wing pit, right below the vent on the abdomen, and at the back of the neck where the head meets the neck. ETA: anytime I did have to bathe a chick...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    16 days since process- in fridge Still okay to eat?

    Partly depends on how clean your processing was.. but I was seriously surprised to see just how long they were still good for without any feeling of slime or scent of funk like is common from commercial poultry. I have gone just about that long safely.
  16. EggSighted4Life

    Corid day 4 regression...

    How old is your hen, and do you have another thread on her already going? Drinking water while going off food can be a symptom of a blockage.. Check her crop.. is it flat and empty, hard and full, or squishy and full...
  17. EggSighted4Life

    Water Blister on hen's side

    Still sounds *possibly* essentially like what would be called edema (symptom).. caused by or called ascites in poultry (heart failure which can be progressive as opposed to sudden death). Sorry for repeating myself and seeming one tracked. If the body was able it would naturally reabsorb those...
  18. EggSighted4Life

    Odd egg

    No and my best guess would be something similar to a "meat spot" or sloughing reproductive tract material.. near the bottom of the article. I'd also be a little on the lookout for signs of Salipigitis or lash egg which are not noted in the following link...
  19. EggSighted4Life

    Birds taking over the coop!

    Using a different feeder type might help some.. what are you currently using? Maybe adding in some shiny whirly bird type things that blow in the wind. Hanging old CD's from fishing line, etc. Those garden type fake owls.. are useless in my experience.
  20. EggSighted4Life

    Are eggs ok to eat

    I still feed them back to the animals.. dogs, chickens, etc. :thumbsup
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