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  1. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    We’re doing a trial this week to see if she can maintain herself without all of the extra vitamins she has been receiving. I can’t expect house sitters to wait on her like we have, but if she can maintain herself, she’s got a home for as long as she lives. Dreading having to make that decision...
  2. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    I have since done a round of Prednisone with her, and she still hasn’t really improved. Should I start thinking this is more of a neurological issue versus wry neck now? What are the odds of recovery after nearly six months?
  3. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    She can get quite upset at times, swing her head around in circles and walk backwards. She does kind of look like the videos I’ve seen of seizures, but maybe not quite as violent.
  4. NLmedic709

    Is this wry neck?

    Hello everyone, meet Crookie- one of my chocolate Orpington hens. She is nearly a year old now, and last December she began stargazing, walking backwards and separating herself from the flock. So, she moved into the “hospital” in our garage and has been there all winter. Initially she was in...
  5. NLmedic709

    Let’s play a game… hen or roo?

    Keeping all fingers crossed that it’s a pullet. But I won’t hold my breath 😂
  6. NLmedic709

    Let’s play a game… hen or roo?

    I’m wrong about as often as I am right as well, so we will give it another month or so before making any drastic moves.
  7. NLmedic709

    Let’s play a game… hen or roo?

    The comb and wattles are making me think otherwise given the age. But the feathers are definitely throwing me off. I kept it back when we culled the roos to see what happens, as the others with large combs and wattles clearly had the thin, pointy hackles like you’d expect on a cockerel.
  8. NLmedic709

    Let’s play a game… hen or roo?

    The jury is out on this one… born around July 1st. Has quite the wattles already. Had it in my arms earlier and hackles are wide and rounded like a pullet. Definitely don’t need another cockerel in the flock. Not sure the breed either if someone wants to take a stab at it.
  9. NLmedic709

    Black Copper Marans

    I’ll definitely keep updating as they grow. I’m excited for chocolate eggs 😁
  10. NLmedic709

    Black Copper Marans

    Eek! I hope you’re wrong LOL 😆
  11. NLmedic709

    Black Copper Marans

    So, I was gifted a bunch of BCM eggs along with my neighbour. I hatched out four, and she brought down another six to me to keep in my brooder. All of my research says copper on the shoulder by 3 weeks is a cockerel, and those that sprout tail feathers first are likely pullets. These adorable...
  12. NLmedic709


    I appreciate everyone’s input. I’m hoping the breeder just has fast maturing hens in his line and is correct - I don’t want to have to find new addresses for that many birds 😬
  13. NLmedic709


    The black with the head in the feeder looks identical to the middle black. The one far left has a little bit more comb/wattle development than the other two, and is slightly pink, but nothing near what the lavender marked cockerel has. The lavender marked pullet is larger than the one marked...
  14. NLmedic709


    I bought five straight run Orpington’s in hopes that I would win the chicken lottery and get all pullets. I have two lavenders and three blacks. The photo isn’t the greatest, but the breeder has marked them P for pullet and C for cockerel. They’re currently 8 weeks old, which I know can be early...
  15. NLmedic709

    Mystery Bird

    She quickly became the favourite out of that batch of chicks. All three are super friendly and want to be held. Even if Cletus turned out to be a roo, she was going to stay in our flock for sure. Such a unique looking bird!
  16. NLmedic709

    Mystery Bird

    Meet Cletus! I’m hoping you knowledgeable folks might be able to help me figure out what Cletus is. My neighbour hatched this chook and handed it off to me as I had a single hatch in my incubator and it was imprinting on me (see Beatrice, the white roo on the left… we hoped he was a she…) So...
  17. NLmedic709

    Hello from Newfoundland!

    Hello from Newfoundland, everyone! My name is Megan and I am still relatively new to chicken keeping. I started out two years ago with a rhode island red hen and barred rock hen, and lost the rhode island red to a prolapsed vent. I still have the barred rock, and have since grown my flock to...
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