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  1. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh, Rangi, what a sweet bird! 😍 Ganymede looks sort of like my new one. Only with a nicer face. Mine is sweet though, but looks like she means to do some harm. 😂
  2. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Thanks for the Naked neck lesson. ❤️ I just love your pics. Gorgeous birds as always.
  3. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    So, if you hatch from a naked neck, does that automatically become the dominant trait or is it a guessing game until they are hatched? I watch a YouTube channel called Chickenlandia. I just love that lady she's so nice and also not pretentious. Anyway, she just got a bantam naked neck. 😍 It...
  4. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Is Gwenyth your only naked neck? I remember when she was a chick, but don't remember if you have others.
  5. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh Yay, I can't wait to see more pics! :celebrate You have the most gorgeous birds!
  6. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Well, it seemed to work. She really doesn't like to be isolated. Hope it works for Vivienne! :fl Yes, I remember that as well about you thinking I had a female crele. For some reason, I just figured she was a bb. But, then I really noticed her barring today because I was trying to make sure I...
  7. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Good afternoon. Welp, just realized my Ginger is not a bb oegb like I thought. I though I kept a pair. But, when I look at her and my new one, she has barring on her back. So, I think that makes her crele? I will take a Pic of them both later. I'm calling the new one Mango. At least it will be...
  8. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I wondered about the white one as well. :pop
  9. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Yeah, well she's going to stay in her broody breaker all day. Maybe this cool weather will help. :fl My family irritates me and it's just myself and my husband. :gig The vanilla cocoa sounds devine. Hope you are able to get back to making soap when you can.
  10. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    :hugshope they perk up soon.
  11. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    @pipdzipdnreadytogo - I was just going through old posts trying to remember which of my hens had prolapsed since I was answering a question for someone else. And, I found your soap posts. Are you still doing that?
  12. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    :hugsmaybe try poultry cell, I've heard it can help.
  13. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Forgot to mention, I took her out of her broody breaker to go out in the yard with her pals while I was cleaning. I saw her go into one of the nest boxes and thought maybe she is laying an egg, because oddly, I've gotten an egg from her just the other day. Well of course she has the broody...
  14. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I just love all of this. ❤️ He eats. I make sure to scatter feed in the run so that there are options. But, also, he has access to the whole run. He goes to the duck side often too. They let him eat there. If I could figure out how to utilize the upper area of the run for him, I would. Just...
  15. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh no. Hope it's ok. What causes wry neck in new hatchlings?
  16. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Sending good vibes. ❤️ Do you have a hatching thread so that I can see these chicks?
  17. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I just can't believe it. Well 2 things - Lemon, my bantam cochin, is broody again this season! :thSo, I collected eggs and took her out of the nest box. I closed that one so if anyone else lays today they will have to choose a different area. 2nd - I just looked at my chicken cam to make sure...
  18. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Yay, can't wait to see them. Yuck on that heat. 😰
  19. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my. That is such a wonderful story. I'm so glad you found her. ❤️ Can't wait to see Daphne's chicks. 🥰 Yesterday I just made the Silkie girl stay in her dog crate. I had no energy to redo anything. But, today I went downstairs and found an old tablecloth that would work perfectly to cover...
  20. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Just went out and my silkie mix was out of her penned area (because I didn't afix a top to three panels of an old prefab run [makeshift pen]. I just set some feed bags and scrap hardware cloth on top). She figured a way out through the top. :th She's giving me Maizie vibes. Maizie was my EE...
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