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  1. PastaChickenBoo

    Old hen with odd gait

    6 almost 7 year old light Brahma, she lifts one leg really close to her body while walking. Still normally puts weight on it, and she eats/drinks normally (just doesn’t lay anymore). Cause for concern or is she just old?
  2. PastaChickenBoo

    Chickens not leaving roost

    My chickens are pretty old. One’s 5 and the other is 6, and lately they haven’t been leaving the roosting bar by themselves. Someone has to help them get off. When outside/off the roost they behave pretty normally. Is this cause for concern or are they just old?
  3. PastaChickenBoo

    Brahma sits down a lot?

    ...bound (she doesn’t walk funny and I think she’s pooping fine) and nothing similar to when she had sour crop. She just plops down a lot inside the coop and in the run and acts a *tiny bit* more “slow” than usual? Should I be worried or is this normal? She is fairly old, just had her 6th birthday.
  4. PastaChickenBoo

    Keeping chickens safe during wildfire?

    Thankfully, I don’t live near the fire. However, smoke has blown down from Canada and the AQI gets worse by the minute. I can’t bring my chickens in, how can I keep them safe? The title of this post is a bit misleading as the fire itself isn’t a concern at all - just the smoke. I live several...
  5. PastaChickenBoo

    What killed my chickens?

    Recently, four of my chickens were killed/succumbed to injuries by an unknown predator. I don't have images, but their bodies remained and weren't taken away by whatever got them. My mom reported puncture wounds on their necks/backs, she thinks it was a hawk. There wasn't any blood either. Today...
  6. PastaChickenBoo

    three chickens just killed. need to cope.

    Three of my six chickens were attacked and killed by a as of now unknown predator. I'm reeling, I feel horrible and anxious about my other chickens, and I really don't know how I can cope with it. They meant the world to me.
  7. PastaChickenBoo

    sour crop

    Our Rhode Island Red is having sour crop for the second time in a month. She recovered pretty well the first time with crop massages + ACV in the water. Now she is sitting on the floor of the coop all day, and I'm worried it might be worse this time. Is there anything we can do to help her recover?
  8. PastaChickenBoo

    Too many cicadas?

    With all the Brood X cicadas emerging, my chickens have been chowing down on them. However, as of late, they have stopped eating cicadas (and are eating much less feed) and their egg yolks are very pale yellow. Could this be from too much protein from eating a lot of cicadas, and if so, how can...
  9. PastaChickenBoo

    Sour crop!

    You might remember my thread from a while ago about my Brahma who was acting weird. My mom was able to diagnose it as sour crop and read that a good treatment is flushing out her crop with epsom salt before putting a diluted mix of copper sulfate in the chicken's water. Has anyone tried this...
  10. PastaChickenBoo

    Chicken ate part of mushroom?

    I was informed that my Light Brahma ate a chunk of a red spotless mushroom slightly smaller than a dime around last morning. I have no pictures of the mushroom. She is currently acting a bit lethargic, moving slowly, and won't really eat or drink. I don't know what I should do, is there anything...
  11. PastaChickenBoo

    BO's comb blue in some areas

    I noticed her comb was turning a purplish blue in the tips and back. She is the lowest chicken in the pecking order and is bullied quite frequently by her higher ups but otherwise healthy and acting normal. I've read this could be a sign of heart disease. What do I do? Pictures hopefully to follow.
  12. PastaChickenBoo

    Expired Vetericyn?

    I have a bottle of Vetericyn that I recently used to treat a hen's skin condition. However, its expiration date was January of last year. Is it still safe to use?
  13. PastaChickenBoo

    Bald spot on RIR

    I'll attach photos later once I get them. Her belly is bald and red, and her wing feathers are ragged and unkempt at the edges. She's also rather thin. I'm suspecting mites, and I doubt she's broody because she doesn't act broody.
  14. PastaChickenBoo

    Milk for chickens?

    Would it be okay if I fed my chickens some oatmeal made with Lactaid (milk with lactose-digesting enzymes in it)? Their eggshells are getting brittle and I don't want anything to happen. They don't like eating crushed eggshells and we're out of oyster, and I can't think of any other ways to give...
  15. PastaChickenBoo


    Recently I assumed my own coat of arms (which I use as my avatar now :P). Obviously I had to include a chicken! I'm in the US so it's not legal at all (I can't get a grant or register them officially) but it's been great fun learning about Heraldry.
  16. PastaChickenBoo

    How to care for "older" chickens

    This March marks the third year I've had chickens! They seem to be laying more or less daily, but I understand they'll need to be watched and supervised more as they get older. What are some good ways to ensure my older chickens are comfortable and healthy?
  17. PastaChickenBoo

    Is it normal for chickens to stand like flamingos?

    I noticed my Easter egger standing on one leg, is that normal behavior or could she have a foot injury? Thanks.
  18. PastaChickenBoo

    Can regular vinegar (we don't have ACV) cure what looks like sour crop?

    One of our chickens is drooling and refusing to eat, and we think she has sour crop. I've heard ACV helps, but would regular white vinegar help?
  19. PastaChickenBoo

    light brahma acting weird, pictures to come

    our light brahma Stars is acting quite strange lately. There was yellowish-green, chunky discharge crused around her mouth and her crop feels quite abnormal. She is also acting strange in general. Possible impacted crop, or is it something else? Pictures coming soon.
  20. PastaChickenBoo

    Buff Orpington acting weird (Possibly broody)

    Tofu has been acting somewhat erratically lately. She responds to stimulus (noise and treats, etc.) but she hides underneath places (such as a lawnchair), puffs up her feathers most of the time, and squawks very loudly at random times. Is there anything I should be worried about?
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