BO's comb blue in some areas


6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
I noticed her comb was turning a purplish blue in the tips and back. She is the lowest chicken in the pecking order and is bullied quite frequently by her higher ups but otherwise healthy and acting normal. I've read this could be a sign of heart disease. What do I do? Pictures hopefully to follow.


Not the best images because of lighting but I hope you can see what I'm referring to.
If she is a large combed chicken, such as a leghorn, it can be normal for the comb to occasionally be darker on the tips or rear of the comb. It can happen with excitability or temperature change. But I would make sure that she is not dehydrated, and get her eating some wet chicken feed, feed some chopped egg and have plenty of water. A dose of Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml might give a boost as well. Does she seem lethargic or low energy?
If she is a large combed chicken, such as a leghorn, it can be normal for the comb to occasionally be darker on the tips or rear of the comb. It can happen with excitability or temperature change. But I would make sure that she is not dehydrated, and get her eating some wet chicken feed, feed some chopped egg and have plenty of water. A dose of Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml might give a boost as well. Does she seem lethargic or low energy?
No, not at all. She's free ranging around with the others and behaving normally (very skittish, runs away from me quickly as always. If she were lethargic she probably wouldn't put up as much resistance). There's water out for them in the backyard, I'll mix some Nutri Drench into it.

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