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  1. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I moved some roosters to a grow out pen. These are birds that we hatched. Needing to move the pullets to their grow out pen tomorrow. In a little over a week we will be receiving a shipment of Cream Legbars and Saipans so it is time to sterilize the brooder now.
  2. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    He is an Easter Egger. I have two pullets that will soon start laying that are his from RIR hens. I'm really curious as to what color of eggs they will lay.
  3. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    The youngest free ranging flock got a treat today of fresh sweet corn cut off the cob worms and all. The were very happy like kids in a candy store.
  4. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Shuster was attacked by a feral dog and lost all of his tail feathers but thankfully now they are all back. I need to get a photo of him soon when I can get him to cooperate with the camera.
  5. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    The rooster in my avatar is Shuster. We rehomed him for a couple here in AL. Love him so much. He is rather easy to pick up and have a conversation with. Set him back down on the ground he never runs away but just casually meanders off to see what his girls are into.
  6. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I've now book marked this thread so I can't lose it again. :)
  7. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I've been very busy on the farm and not here lately. I finally found a search word that got me back here. I have something kind of special to me going on here on the homestead no. We have a fully matured (with very big spurs) Delaware rooster that guards and takes care of a mixed pen of chicks...
  8. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We gave our big long legged boy a taste of raisin bread for the first time tonight. It was a small taste and he got upset that he only got a tiny bit while ma held on to the rest of the slice. He had just eaten a whole slice of whole wheat for a bedtime snack. He still eats a lot of...
  9. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I've got Legs in my chair with me looking at all the pretty hens on BYC. He's acting like a teenager with a Playboy magazine.
  10. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We have an addition on our house for activities such as plant starting and brooding. We set up a table with dog kennels to use for two of our pets that we just don't dare risk losing them to a predator of any kind. I'm sure if we allowed it those two would find our bed and climb in. The pullet...
  11. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I think he is the most intelligent chicken I've ever had. He starts getting excited as we come in the front door stretching his long neck out looking to find his treat. He anticipates even going to his kennel that is a better place to sleep that his outdoor coop is. He never fusses about being...
  12. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Tonight when I brought him in for the night I stopped and set him down in my chair. He stayed there until I got back with his bedtime snack. Then sat in my lap for awhile before I took him to his kennel for the night. I've never had a rooster or hen like him before.
  13. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    He is a very special boy. He spends a lot of time in my lap in the evenings. He will sit unrestrained the whole time just taking in his surroundings with no attempt to leave my lap at all.
  14. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I didn't let Legs stay in his coop outside tonight with a bad storm expected for several hours starting about 11pm. He is safely in a kennel in the sun room. He sat in my lap for about half an hour after eating a slice of bread and a boiled egg. That is his version of an egg sandwich. I'm amazed...
  15. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Hope you find him soon. I'm missing a beloved pet rooster from a couple of weeks back. I think a fox was waiting for him when he came down off of his night in a high up coop. Now I shut the door on Legs to protect him at all costs. He stays in his coop if we have to be gone. I just can't cope...
  16. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I let my big boy (teenager) Legs sit in my lap while the great grand kids fed him this morning. He was a perfect gentleman for them as he always is. Within about 2-3 months were he walks the other roosters will not go. Even if it is unintentional when he turns around quick and another rooster...
  17. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Once in a while I get mine a bag of 22% layer mini pellets. I think there is less waste with the pellets and would love to keep them on the pellets. I feel it is better on the roosters though to use starter/grower and oyster shell on the side. I have sold most of my older hens and am replacing...
  18. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I turned the pen of bachelor roosters out before we started making chore rounds to the coops. They followed hoping for a chance to sneak in an open coop door to where there were girls being guarded by only one rooster... It was a useless effort on their part.
  19. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I use pine needles and they don't mind them at all. Two of my nest boxes are roll outs with astro turf. The girls there didn't mind them either.
  20. LTAY1946

    What did you do with your flock today?

    It's a very rainy day today so the girls are bored inside their spacious coops. They have several times more square feet than what is recommended and are happy. The rooster coop is small and is for roosting only. They will get turned out when the rain stops around 1pm I think and that is soon.
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