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  1. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    She’s very pretty! Her tail is much bigger than my one! After seeing your Pinto, I think mine looks more masculine
  2. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s such a mystery! I have read that sussex chickens are slow to develop. Your cockerel above looks to have a larger comb than I imagine mine would develop over the next week? 🤞🏽
  3. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    A little update- almost 11 weeks. I think I’ve changed my mind & now I think this must be a pullet. She looks like she’s grown into her body more.. & thick legs don’t look so out of place.
  4. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    9 weeks old! Legs are more yellow. Still not as confident as I would have liked on its sex & breed. Agonising
  5. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    She doesn’t breed meat birds! She has Perkins, light sussex, barnevelders, Plymouth rocks, australorp, Vorwerk, silkie, Polish. It’s such a mystery to me. It’s 9 weeks old now & I have no further clarity on its breed or sex!
  6. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s the massive chest and thick neck! I feel like that comb is eager to turn red. This chick is doing my head in.. everything screams boy to me but then he’s developing quite slow 😩 he definitely has thick legs though.. and thick toes.
  7. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    I know everyone thinks pullet but he seems so masculine to me.. thick legs.
  8. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s actually a purebred but the reputable breeder thinks it’s a genetic throwback. I thought a rooster got out its pen but breeder assures me this is not possible.
  9. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Comb & wattles are pink.. 8.5 weeks now. Sorry for this weeks terrible quality photos.
  10. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Here it is at 6 weeks! Comb is orange, wattles are pink, chunky yellow legs 🤨
  11. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    This is fascinating. It came from a reputable breeder who we’ve bought from before. I don’t think she breeds Delaware. I’m starting to think maybe one of her Roos jumped into another pen 😂
  12. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Group hugs 🐥 comb looking more pink & feathers look dark on back 🤷‍♀️almost 6 weeks.
  13. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Some updated pics taken today. Seems it might be getting the sussex feathers over the neck? It’s wattles look pink so I’m leaning towards a roo 😔 let me know your thoughts.
  14. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Thank you so much for all the knowledge! I learn so much from here. I do enjoy the mystery though- as agonising as it is 🤣
  15. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    It’s got pale yellow legs.. not as yellow as my blue barnevelders though. Flick back a few pics to see this chick standing
  16. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    PLOT TWIST for anyone following along.. it’s not even a light sussex! I questioned the breeder & sent updated pictures & it’s supposedly a splash barnevelder. What do you all think? Do you agree? Still thinking pullet or does this change based on breed?
  17. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Its wings are quite short & its tail is slow to feather! Is that indicative of gender?
  18. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Comb is starting to turn more pink now.. and it’s starting to look scruffy. I’m thinking this is a cockerel. Let me know your thoughts
  19. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    Here is Chickaletta at 26 days.
  20. Jayteetee

    Gender Guess- 3 week light sussex has me stumped

    I would absolutely love if it was a pullet. It’s getting so much extra attention because it’s semi isolated from the rest because they’re picking on it. It’s the odd one out 😢 comparatively, its slow to feather out 🤷‍♀️
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