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  1. swamphiker

    9 week gender help?

    All look to be pullets
  2. swamphiker

    Hen?? Roo??? New to raising chickens

    Yep, pullet
  3. swamphiker

    Are they ready to go outside? Silked Easter Eggers!

    They are more than ready! If possible, transition them gradually so they can get used to the temperature difference between the brooder and outside.
  4. swamphiker

    New member and new chicky momma

    Welcome to BYC, we're glad to have you here! Enjoy your new chickies
  5. swamphiker

    Hello everyone! From a small town in NE Ohio

    Welcome to BYC! We're glad to have you here.
  6. swamphiker

    Thinking about adding coturnix. Questions about making a small aviary.

    Thank you! Yes, fortunately I have a Tractor Supply nearby that carries Purina game bird feeds.
  7. swamphiker

    Thinking about adding coturnix. Questions about making a small aviary.

    Thanks! Do you think adding a lower ceiling in the grow-out pen would help keep them from bonking too hard? The grow-out pen is underneath my chicken coop so I can only go shorter, not taller.
  8. swamphiker

    Coyote Attack

    It's worth checking to see what options your local feed store has. Mine carries liquimycin which I inject intramuscularly with an insulin syringe.
  9. swamphiker

    Thinking about adding coturnix. Questions about making a small aviary.

    Hi folks, I've had chickens for several years and am contemplating adding coturnix quail, mainly for meat since I don't have the space for meat chickens. I like the idea of keeping the quail on dirt so they can scratch and exhibit more of their natural behaviors. I live in North Florida, so we...
  10. swamphiker

    Silverudds Blue 5 weeks pullet or cockerel

    I vote cockerel, but please update the thread when you've confirmed so that others can use this thread as a resource.
  11. swamphiker

    too early, but mostly cockerels?

    Very cute! It's very hard to tell this early. BCM #3 does seem to have a rather pinkish comb to be that young. It will become much easier to differentiate closer to 6 weeks.
  12. swamphiker

    Coyote Attack

    It's a great sign that she's already eating and drinking on her own and it sounds like you've done the right things to give her a good chance at healing. Chickens are generally very resilient to injuries like that as long as they don't succumb to infection. Keep a close eye on her for any signs...
  13. swamphiker

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome, Max! We are glad to have you here. I hope your girl heals well
  14. swamphiker

    Moving 10 week pullets to the coop

    It sounds like you have a good plan in place since it might take them a little while to get the hang of going in and out at night. In my experience, the desire to roost somewhere high at night is pretty strong in pullets by the time they are that age, so it might not take more than a couple of...
  15. swamphiker


    Welcome to BYC and best of luck with your new flock!
  16. swamphiker

    Hello Backyard Chickens Community!!

    Welcome to BYC, we're glad to have you here! This is a perfect place to ask questions about your chickens. In your post about your chicken's vent, it will be helpful if you include photos if possible.
  17. swamphiker


    Welcome to BYC; we're glad to have you here.
  18. swamphiker

    Pullet attacked by fox and saved by cockerel

    I'm glad your girl is coming through it okay! I use liquamycin since it's what is available and easily accessible for me at the feed store.
  19. swamphiker

    Hooked Beak/Gender - Ameraucana?

    She looks like a pullet to me, I have an easter egger with very similar coloration. From the photo the beak doesn't look abnormal. If it's causing problems I believe it's possible to file it, but I've never done that myself.
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