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  1. KathiQuacks

    Does anyone know the gender of these Buff Orpington Ducklings?

    I don’t believe bill / plumage color is an indicator of gender for this breed at this time. The most reliable thing I’ve found is voice-sexing, which is most accurate 4 weeks and up. Hens will get a noticeable voice change, making a peep-honk sound, and sometimes even a honk or two. Drakes will...
  2. KathiQuacks

    Happy Father’s Day to my boy Cherry - Father to 14!! ❤️ [ATTACH]

    Happy Father’s Day to my boy Cherry - Father to 14!! ❤️
  3. KathiQuacks

    Black Swedish Ducklings male or female???

    Color ID won’t be possible until they’re full grown. Your best bet is voice-sexing in a couple weeks. I find 4 weeks old to be very reliable. Females will get a noticeable voice change, making a peep-honking sound, maybe even a honk or two, and males will keep their baby peep until they’re...
  4. KathiQuacks

    Please help sexing our Rouen ducks

    1 male, 2 females. None of these are Rouens. The two little ones are Mallards, and the big, handsome boy looks to be a Silver Appleyard.
  5. KathiQuacks

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    No, not an internal pip, but some nice shadowing. You can also listen for an internal pip. Hold the egg up to your ear, tap on the shell gently with your finger, and listen for a tapping sound or the baby peeping. Safety holes don’t need to be put in right away, don’t worry too much!! You...
  6. KathiQuacks

    🦆 The DUX has woken up! 🦆

    I sold about 25 ducklings to a lovely family, had kids, super excited, amazing property.. then I found out later they don’t care about the sex ratio :th They believe it’s “natural” for boys to overmate the girls.. I wish I could recuse the poor hens, but I can only hope they’ll notice the duck...
  7. KathiQuacks

    Duck color genetics

    1. I’ve seen ducks who’ll start turning white in their first year, but it takes many years for them to reach full-white. 2. I don’t see why not.
  8. KathiQuacks

    Duck color genetics

    The colors I know of that can be white with black bills are, 1. Splash ducks, which have a 25% chance to be produced from two Blue ducks. They may be all-white or near-white. 2. Black / Blue / Chocolate ducks, who all turn white as they age!
  9. KathiQuacks

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    3!! One of my younger girls have started laying for the first time, though I’m not sure who..
  10. KathiQuacks

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    It’s when the baby is ready to hatch and will punch a circular hole in the shell & push out. Zip like a zipper, they’ll “unzip” the eggshell.
  11. KathiQuacks

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    Lack of progress. And the membrane turning yellow well before a zip, meaning it’s drying out.
  12. KathiQuacks

    What are my ducklings?

    I’d say more likely the white are White Layer and the middle one a Magpie? Is there an age gap? I don’t know enough to say Muscovy or not.
  13. KathiQuacks

    How many duck eggs did you EAT today?

    Well, now I want to experiment.. pudding with egg yolks, and pudding with egg whites!
  14. KathiQuacks

    Grieving Ducks

    I too lost 2 of 3 ducks late last year; a coyote broke into my coop. I have a big pond, and it probably took my surviving drake about 3 - 4 days to come up off of it. I brought him inside and gave him a nice mirror to look in. I found 2 adult hens a couple weeks after the attack and took them...
  15. KathiQuacks

    🦆 The DUX has woken up! 🦆

    So beautiful ❤️ I’m glad Stinky Poopypants is still going!! I love Tweedledee coming in and stealing the spot light.. broody birds have so much character. It’s so early, you could certainly have more girls that haven’t found their voice yet. I found 4 weeks old to be accurate.
  16. KathiQuacks

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    Shrink wrapping is actually a lot less common than people think. There should be pretty much no chance of it occurring until a baby pips / until you make a safety hole. And, as long as you keep the humidity high and moisten the membrane during an assist, babies should be okay.
  17. KathiQuacks

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    If you think you need to assist the other egg, let me know!!
  18. KathiQuacks

    Really aggressive Drake- Advice appreciated!

    I’m sorry you lost your hen.. But I see your problem.. no girls, hand raised, daily affection.. this boy really wants to mate with you. Or at least dominate over you. 2 drakes, 2 hens won’t work. The hens will be overmated and face the same biting you are facing now. I recommend 1 drake to...
  19. KathiQuacks

    Ducklings are pipping!! - would love some distractions!

    That one looks very Splash Swede or Welsh-like to me... so, maybe Splash or Silver?
  20. KathiQuacks

    Really aggressive Drake- Advice appreciated!

    What’s your duck sex ratio? Have you been petting him / has he been spending a lot of time with you?
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